
Faculty participation on committees and boards is an important component of the shared governance at Hamilton. A full listing of membership on standing committees and other deliberative faculty bodies is available in the Red Book
To be eligible for election or appointment to committees, members of the Faculty must have taught at Hamilton for not less than one full academic year at the time of nomination or appointment and must hold the rank of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor, except for the Committee on Appointments and the Faculty Appeals Board, where eligibility is restricted to tenured members of the Faculty. The President is a member, ex officio, of all Standing Committees with the exception of the Committee on Appointments and the Faculty Appeals Board. For additional policies and procedures regarding committee service please refer to the Faculty Handbook.

Academic Council

The Academic Council serves as an executive committee for the Faculty and carries out assignments as are delegated to it by the Faculty and the President; it acts as an agenda committee for the Faculty and brings to the Faculty all business issuing from standing committees

Committee on Academic Policy

The Committee on Academic Policy (CAP) reviews educational policies and requirements for the baccalaureate degree and recommends to the Faculty changes to the curriculum. The committee also advises the Dean of Faculty and the President on the allocation of faculty positions to departments and programs of instruction.

Committee on Academic Standing

The Committee on Academic Standing administers academic regulations as approved by the Faculty and receives and takes final action on petitions regarding exceptions to academic policies.

Committee on Admission and Financial Aid

The Committee on Admission and Financial Aid oversees all matters of policy on admission and financial aid and recommends changes on policy to the Faculty for approval and transmission to the President.

Committee on Appointments

The Committee on Appointments advises the Dean and the President on matters of reappointment, tenure, and promotion of members of the Faculty.

Committee on Athletics

The Committee on Athletics reviews policies related to athletics and advises the Director of Athletics and Administration.

Committee on Budget and Finance

The Committee on Budget and Finance advises the President and Vice Presidents and reports to the Faculty on the development of the annual budget, institutional priorities, and capital expenditures.

Faculty Appeals Board

The Board conducts investigations and makes decisions on grievances to ensure fair consideration without fear of prejudice or reprisal.

Library and Information Technology Committee

The Committee on Library and Information Technology works to ensure that library resources and information technology are used appropriately and effectively on behalf of teaching and scholarship at the College.

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