
The Dean of Faculty office has an annual grant activity budget for support of individual faculty grant proposals to external grant agencies.  The purpose of the fund is to encourage proposal development, strengthen submissions, demonstrate institutional support for proposed activities, and increase funding rates.  The fund offers several broad categories of support:

A. Proposal development support

  • Proposal-writing workshop attendance
  • Consultations and collaborations on proposal development
  • Preliminary data collection and analysis (may include stipends)

B. Cost-sharing

  • Up to 30% (unless agency-specified otherwise) in cost-sharing on specific non-salary expenses/ requests (e.g., equipment, supplies, travel)

C. Indirect costs redirection

  • For grants that reimburse the college for indirect costs (e.g., NSF and NIH grants with salary and wages), the equivalent of 10% of those costs may be requested for project/ grant development-related (non-salary) expenses

D. Internal project awards

  • For individuals who have demonstrated "strenuous effort" in seeking grant support but not secured funding, despite strong proposal submissions, substantial support may be provided towards moving the proposed project forward

Application for any of the above should be made early in the academic year to your Associate Dean of Faculty, who can provide more details.  Overall support for a particular project will be limited, and so a plan for proposal development, pre-award commitments, and post-award support should be considered together.  Note that Jeff Ritchie in the grants office provides a range of additional grant development support, and general guidelines on proposal submission are available at the Office of Foundation, Corporate, and Government Relations.

E. Supplemental salary

  • Subject to available funding, the college may provide supplemental salary and benefits for one-year periodic leaves for individuals who have demonstrated “strenuous effort” in seeking external grant support leading up to the December 1 application deadline (e.g., three to four recent grant or fellowship proposals or one major proposal such as a Fulbright, NSF, or NIH). Any proposals submitted since a faculty member’s hire date or their last sabbatical are considered, whichever is most recent.
  • During a one-year leave, faculty will automatically receive half of their normal base  salary. If deemed eligible for supplemental salary, the level of support is determined by rank and will be reported in the June salary letter preceding the scheduled leave.  The total salary during the one-year leave will be paid at the end of each month in twelve equal installments.

    • Assistant professors will receive an additional 25% of their annual pay.
    • Associate professors will receive an additional 20% of their annual pay.
    • Full professors will receive an additional 15% of their annual pay.
  • Faculty may seek external funding for salary support from a granting agency. The total salary support from the granting agency combined with any support from the Grant Activity Fund can not exceed half of your normal salary.  In other words, the sum of any awards combined with 50% of your base salary cannot exceed your annual salary. In the event that this happens, your salary letter will be revised to reduce the level of support from the Grant Activity Fund.  
    • The Faculty Handbook allows faculty to request up to 3 months of summer salary. Any summer salary that is awarded to faculty is excluded from the above calculations.
Application for Supplemental Salary

Faculty members who are considering an application for supplemental salary support should apply to the Associate Dean of the Faculty by December 1 of the academic year that precedes the year when the leave is to be taken. Requests for supplemental salary should include a brief summary of grant application activity.

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