
Bring completed forms to the appropriate office or department for processing.

Registrar Forms

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  • Add Form

    Note: You will receive an email after your form has been processed at each step. Do NOT submit a form for a course more than once!
  • Students may request to use a chosen first name. This name currently appears on WebAdvisor screens and class rosters and advisee lists. Additional locations are being developed.
  • Concentration Form - Add, Change or Drop a Concentration

    Students who have already declared a concentration can use this form to add a 2nd concentration, change their concentration or drop one of their concentrations. Do NOT use this form to declare an initial concentration.
  • Course Change Form (Add/Drop)

    Note: You will receive an email after your form has been processed at each step. Do NOT submit a form for a course more than once!
  • Credit/No Credit Form

    Read the rules carefully before electing Cr/NC. This is an online form, you must be logged into My Hamilton to use it. Upon completion, an email will be sent to your advisor and the department chairperson to approve or deny your request, and then to the Registrar's Office for processing.
  • Declaration of a Minor

    A student with a concentration in a single department or program may declare a minor in one or two other departments or programs that offer a minor. Students declaring a minor are strongly encouraged to consult with the appropriate department or program chair. Normally, a student should declare a minor early in the spring of their junior year.
  • Please order replacement diplomas through our Parchment partner. You will need to create an account with Parchment and select 91制片厂, Clinton, NY. The cost is $50 and all fees must be paid by credit card to Parchment.
  • Drop Form

    Note: You will receive an email after your form has been processed at each step. Do NOT submit a form for a course more than once!
  • Fitness Assessment Form

    The Fitness Assessment Form is used to track the completion of student's fitness assessments.
  • GPA 4.0 Conversion Statement

    Prior to Fall 2009, Hamilton did not use a 4.0 GPA scale. This statement explains the Hamilton grading system, and provides examples of how students might convert their Hamilton GPA to a 4.0 scale.
  • GPA Calculator Worksheet

    For graduates with a Numeric GPA, use this worksheet to calculate your major GPA or to convert your Hamilton GPA to a 4.0 scale.
  • Hamilton Application for Off Campus Study

    Return to the Off-Campus Study Offices in Christian A. Johnson Hall
  • Incomplete Request

    Submit a Request for Incomplete.
  • Petition for Transfer Credit

    This form can be completed using Adobe Creative Cloud. If you do not have the Adobe product that allows you to edit forms, consider using a college-owned computer (Library, Labs) which has the software installed. Do NOT fill this in by handwriting in the boxes. Download as a document and enter your information by typing in the boxes. And be sure to save the document and email it to your advisor/department chairperson. Do NOT take a photo and share the document as a jpeg, etc. If you are interested in purchasing your own Adobe software, a student discounted version is available.
  • Students may authorize the release of certain academic information to their parents or others. Students should complete and sign this form and return to the Registrar's Office.
  • Request for Incomplete

    Submit a Request for Incomplete.
  • Transcript Request

    Federal regulations require that we have your written signature before we release any of your academic records. Complete this form to be sure we have all the information needed to process your request.

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