
  • Living at Hamilton

    Hamilton offers a variety of living experiences, each uniquely contributing to the whole community.

    residence hall
  • Get Movin鈥

    Hiking, paddling, biking, you name it, we have fun in our backyard!

    Adirondack hiking
  • Hamilton Serves

    In and out of class, on campus and off, students get involved in advocating for a better world.

    Health and Wellness

    Hamilton provides abundant resources for you to stay healthy and balance your life on campus.

Hamilton is like a small city. We have our own government, newspaper, radio station, health center, bookstore, orchestra, art museum, theatre, chapel, sports teams, and fitness center. And if you can’t find what you want on campus, we run a jitney to area attractions that offer a diverse array of dining, shopping, and cultural options. 

Where to Live

From large residence halls to small houses and apartments, and from singles to quads to suites, we offer a wide range of housing options.

Where to Eat

Our food is great, but it will never compare to what you’re used to at home. On the other hand, the choices for each meal are amazing.

What to Do

Among a student body of 2,000 incredibly talented and diverse students, you’re certain to find friends who share your interests.

Fall Fest in the village of Clinton, N.Y.

Off The Hill

Hamilton’s campus sits atop College Hill overlooking the picturesque Village of Clinton adjacent to Utica and with easy access to the Adirondack Park.

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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