
  • Know Thyself

    Learn about our motto, Know Thyself, and the promises we make to our students.

    Alexander Hamilton statue
  • Clinton & Our Region

    Whether you’re into hiking, museums, or farm-to-fork dining, our area offers something for everyone.

    Stanley Theatre
  • Facts

    Here’s a sampling of things we thought you might want to know about Hamilton.

    History & Traditions

    As one of the oldest colleges in the United States, Hamilton has a long and eventful history.

Hamilton is both traditional and progressive. We teach students to think independently, embrace difference, write and speak persuasively, and engage issues ethically and creatively all within a welcoming community.

The Challenge; The Choice

Our open curriculum will give you the freedom to explore your passions by selecting courses that match your interests.  Along the way, you’ll be guided by faculty mentors and our unique ALEX program, a coordinated advising network tailored for each student’s academic success, career preparation, experiential learning, and personal growth.

Say What You Mean

What good is having a great idea if you can’t communicate it effectively? A central goal of our liberal arts education is helping you express yourself in a clear, organized, and persuasive way.

New Ideas; New Perspectives

Learning takes place when you expand your perspectives by encountering new ideas, gaining new experiences and opportunities, and interacting with people from different backgrounds.

The Place Where it Happens

Our beautiful campus of more than 1,300 acres — known as College Hill — blends historic buildings and traditions with modern facilities and resources.

The Next Best Thing to Being Here

While nothing can compare to experiencing our beautiful campus in person, here are a few virtual options that come close.

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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