

The Office of the Dean of Faculty offers support for student travel if a student is a participant in the program and funds are available. We do not support travel that occurs after a student has graduated. The maximum award from DOF funds is $500.

  • All student travel should be requested with this travel request form and approved by DOF in advance of travel. A faculty sponsor, identified on the travel request form, is required for each trip.
  • In estimating expenses, reimbursement of student meals (per diem) is based on the meal plan rate of $35 per day, regardless of time of year. All student entertainment will be covered by departmental budgets and individual faculty social funds. Student must save original receipts to submit for reimbursement of expenses upon their return. The Business Office will not reimburse without receipts.
  • If travel support is approved, students must complete a travel waiver, available from the Office of Off-Campus Study, at least one week prior to travel in order to be eligible for travel reimbursements.
  • Students traveling on Hamilton supported trips and faculty chaperoning students off-campus should be familiar with Hamilton’s Title IX policies.

Making Travel Arrangements

  • Direct Travel, our contracted travel agency (800-472-7447) can be used for booking travel. Direct Travel will bill the college directly. If Direct Travel is used, please email awards@hamilton.edu the name of the student so that we can identify the billing when it is received.
  • In general, the Business Office does not allow cash advances for student travel. A cash advance can be made out to the faculty sponsor, who will be responsible for the advance and submitting all appropriate receipts. A check may be cut to the hotel if we know the exact dollar amount, including tax. A check may also be cut for conference registration if made payable to the conference.

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