
Events barn receptionThe College can only accommodate wedding receptions for members of the Hamilton Community (alumni, faculty and staff members and their children).

Receptions cannot be accommodated during the academic year (2nd week in August through commencement in late May).

Facility rental fees for the use of Bristol Center, Beinecke Village Annexes & Events Barn, Rogers Estate, or Dining halls will be based upon the set-up required for the reception. In general, the charges range from $435-$950.

Please contact Dannelle Parker at 315-859-4372 or dparker@hamilton.edu.

Facility Rental Fees for Private Use

The following facilities are available exclusively for the Hamilton Community for personal use on request or for events hosted by the College. When multiple spaces are reserved for a function, the total rental charge will be a combination of the individual facility fee determined by the following pricing.
Bristol Center 
For under 75 guests $525 Bristol Hub only
100 guests  $625 North Terrace & Hub
150-175 guests $800 Both Terraces and Hub
Tenting is mandatory for any use of the Terraces. We do not have adequate space in the Bristol Center for a rain site. Please review the tent policy. The Bristol Hub comes with existing furniture. Furniture can be moved about the room but cannot be removed from the site.
Commons Dining Hall
(subject to summer camp schedule)
100-200 guests $685.00
Commons Dining Hall comes with existing furniture. There are 20 round tables and additional 5ft banquet tables. Any requests to bring in additional furniture or remove furniture from the space may incur additional labor charges.
Beinecke Village: Fillius Events Barn & Tolles Pavilion

Up to 100 guests:  Tolles A, or Tolles B

Events Barn only (capacity is 75 guests )

101 to 150 guests:  Tolles A & B $750.00
201 to 225 guests:  Tolles & Barn $950.00
Rogers Estate
(Subject to summer programs schedule)
Under 100 guests $700.00
Guest rooms * $50-85 per room/ per night
* not air-conditioned rooms  
Tenting for front porch area is strongly recommended. The space cannot accommodate 100 inside if inclement weather. Please review tent policy


Dannelle Parker

Associate Director of Conferences & Summer Programs

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