
The Department of Campus Safety is charged with the responsibility of enforcing the College’s parking rules and regulations. We would like to ask you to help us to make your wedding event memorable and problem-free by notifying your guest of our parking regulations.
  • Three perimeter lots are designated for wedding guests, each of which is a short scenic walk from our chapel. Please review the following restrictions:
  • Campus Road, a County Highway which runs north and south between the Chapel and the Bristol Center, has been designated by the Town Board of Kirkland, a “No Parking” road to ensure the passage of emergency vehicles at all times.
  • Please ask your guests to cooperate with your regulation by parking in the designated Elihu Root House parking lot, Visitor parking and Alumni Center parking lot. Parking signs will be posted by Campus Services at these lots. Parking for weddings is prohibited in the Admissions parking lot on Campus Road.
  • The parking lots are located on College Hill Road just pass Campus road, that runs in front of the Chapel. Please make sure you communicate to your guests they should not turn on Campus Road to find parking. We can provide a map for your use to duplicate and send to your guests.
  • Please inform your limousine driver(s) to only enter and exit along Campus Road, located directly in front of the chapel. The Quad loop that runs behind the Chapel is too narrow for limousine and vans. This road also serves as emergency access for residence halls on inner quad. Therefore it cannot be blocked at any time. Drivers cannot remain parked on Campus Road for more than a brief period for drop off and pick up only. Please make sure your drivers are aware of this policy. Town of Kirkland Police may be contacted if a limo driver does not comply.
  • Driving on sidewalks for access to the Chapel by florist or wedding party transportation is strictly prohibited. Please communicate this regulation to your florists, photographers, musicians etc. There is easy access to the Chapel from the handicap ramp for florists or decorators to use for temporary access to the Chapel. Parking is not permitted on roadways across the Chapel and at shale driveway across from the Chapel.
  • If you wish to have someone employed to direct traffic and advise guests of campus parking locations you can contact Campus Safety and they can put you in touch with a contract security company. Campus Safety personnel are not available for parking assistance. We recommend this arrangement if the anticipated guest count is over 200 people.
  • Please contact 315-859-4372 if you have questions regarding parking .


Dannelle Parker

Associate Director of Conferences & Summer Programs

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