

Request Student Account Credit Balance

Students may be eligible for a refund when financial aid, private loan funds or direct payments (or any combination) credited to their term bill exceed the actual charges due. If a refund contains any pending or anticipated financial aid or loan amounts a refund will not be able to be processed until those funds have been received by Hamilton and disbursed to the Student Account. If a payment plan is creating the credit refund we will not be able to refund that amount until all payments have been made. We can reduce your payment plan monthly payment though by emailing stuaccts@hamilton.edu. Refunds will not be issued if there is a balance due, for example, if you ended a term with a credit balance and a new semester of charges has been posted you will not receive a refund check, rather the credit is applied to the outstanding balance on the new semester. Semester refunds are processed for students following the first day of classes.  

What are my refund options and how do I request a refund?

Students may request a refund from their Student Account by filling out the following online request form. Refund requests must be made by Monday at 4 p.m. in order to be processed on Friday. Refund requests made after this time will be processed the following week. We strongly encourage all students to sign up for direct deposit in order for you to receive your refund. Alternatively, you may request a paper check be sent either to your home address or to your campus mailbox.

Why does a student refund show as a charge?

A common question regarding student refunds is “Why is my Student Refund showing as a ‘charge’?” We know this can be confusing, when you look at your Activity Details through CASHNet, there are two options - charges and credits.

When you have more payments, either through financial aid, loans or direct payments on your account than charges, it creates a negative balance on your account, which typically means you are in a refund status. We have to indicate on your account that we have refunded that negative balance to you. In order to balance your account and reflect that we have processed your refund, we must record the refund in the “charges” column.


Student Accounts

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