
91制片厂’s purchasing cards are Mastercards issued by Key Bank to College employees or departments for the purpose of purchasing business related goods and services that are $1,500 or less. Purchasing cards are not be to be used for individual employee travel expenses.  If a card is issued to a department, a departmental employee is designated as the one responsible for monitoring the use of the card and approving transactions charged to it.

Billing Cycle

Around the 28th of each month, Key Bank will notify cardholders by email that their statement is available for review on Key2purchase.com. Cardholders must log in to review their card transactions. However, verification of these transactions must be completed in Workday within the Purchases application. Receipts should also be uploaded and attached to each transaction in Workday. Cardholders have until the 15th of the following month to verify transactions in Workday. Payment is issued to Key Bank once the verification is completed and approved, which serves as the final step in the process.

Online Approvals & Transaction Verification

While cardholders can review transactions on Key2purchase.com, the actual verification of purchases is done in Workday, under the Purchases application. You can verify transactions as they occur or once the billing statement is received. For each transaction, the default cost center based on the cardholder’s department will be listed in Workday. Cardholders can change cost centers when necessary and enter the appropriate object or expense codes. Transactions may also be split among multiple cost centers or object codes.

For full instructions on the Transaction Verification process, please refer to the and/or  

Review and Audit

The Business Office audits card transactions and reporting on a routine basis and ensures that each card is audited for a specific period at least annually.  Cardholders and supervisors will be contacted regarding any questions/concerns that may arise from such audits.

Responsibilities of Cardholders and Departmental Coordinators

Purchasing cards should be stored in a safe place and the account number kept confidential. The card is not to be shared with another department. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to Key Bank at 1-866-290-7700.

Vendors should be informed that purchases are exempt from sales tax when the purchase is made. Some merchants will only require the College’s exempt organization number which is printed on the card. Some merchants however, may require a copy of the tax exemption certificate appropriate for the state in which the purchase is being made.

An original receipt must be obtained from the merchant for each transaction posted to a purchasing card. Users should create a receipt folder on their department drive to save copies, photos or emails of receipts and maintain for at least three (3) years. Personnel in the Business Office will periodically conduct purchasing card audits to ensure cards are being used and administered appropriately.

Requesting a Purchase Card

A purchase card may be requested by completing a purchasing card request form, obtaining required approvals, and sending to Amanda Gleasman, in the Business Office. Questions regarding purchasing cards may be directed to Amanda by email agleasma@hamilton.edu or ext. 4320.

Purchasing cards will be revoked if cardholders do not comply with the requirements of this policy.


Contact Name

Business Office

Office Location
Philip Spencer House
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m..
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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