Object Codes
Legacy Object Codes and Their Use in Workday
In Workday, most legacy object codes— previously used to classify and track financial transactions— have been brought over. These codes help classify expenses or revenue in budgeting, procurement, and reporting processes.
- Object Code: A numeric code used in the legacy system to categorize financial transactions, now redefined in Workday for either spend or revenue tracking.
- Spend Category: In Workday, this replaces object codes for procurement transactions, helping categorize purchases, track assets, and manage spending.
- Expense Item: Used in Workday for expense reports, this represents specific types of expenses (e.g., travel, supplies) and can be searched using the last four digits of the old object code.
Many object codes are now used as to categorize expenses, while others are now used as to classify deposits.
When completing procurement tasks or submitting expense reports, you will select the appropriate Spend Category or Expense Item. If you're familiar with the legacy object codes, you can search for these by using the last four digits of the old code.
Refer to the list and table below to find legacy object codes and their corresponding names, which may assist in selecting the correct category in Workday.
Legacy Object Codes
Personnel Expenses
4001 Salaries - Administration
4002 Salaries - Faculty
4003 Salaries - Staff
4004 Wages - Part time
4005 Wages - Temporary
4006 Employee Stipends
4007 Solo Performance Faculty
4009 Student Help
4010 M & O Payroll
4011 FICA
4012 Statutory Disability
4013 Workers Compensation
4015 Vacation Holiday & Sick Pay
4016 Wages - Wellin Museum Security
4017 Faculty Artists Fees
4018 Student Help Grants-Summer
4020 Group Life Insurance
4022 Retirement
4024 Group Total Disability
4025 Employee Assistance Program
4028 Medical Insurance
4031 Dental Insurance
4037 SFAS #106 Postretirement Benefits
4040 Employee Professional Development
4041 Employee Welfare
4042 Occupational Health & Safety
4051 Faculty Social Fund
4052 External Tuition Grants
4053 Staff Tuition Support
4054 Internal Tuition Grants
4056 Employee Training
4061 Camp/Clinic Director Wages
4063 Camp/Clinic Counselor Wages
4101 Office Supplies
4103 Postage
4104 Printing & Duplicating
4106 Classroom Supplies
4107 Photographic Supplies
4110 Subscriptions
4111 Machine Supplies
4113 A-V Materials
4114 Hardware & Supplies
4115 Athletic Equipment
4116 Laundry/Dry Clean Expense
4117 Map Room
4118 Laboratory Supplies
4120 Copier Supplies
4121 Elec. Music Supplies
4122 Medical Supplies
4123 Medical Books
4124 Hamilton LOGO Apparel
4125 Shipping Expense
4126 Summer Research Supplies
4127 Figuration Supplies
4128 Gallery Preparation
4129 Gamblin (Studio Art)
4130 Music Purchases & Supplies
4131 Registration Expenses
4132 Facility Rental Supplies
4140 Uniform Replacement
4150 Operating/Other Expenses
4151 Other Research Expenses
4153 Museum Security Expenses
4155 Instructional Cost
4156 Instruction Orientation
4168 Bench Stock
4174 General Tools
4177 Materials
4182 Safety Supplies
4190 Dry Food
4193 Warehouse Expense
4202 Telephone & Internet Fees
4203 Local & Special Services
4204 Telephone Carrier Services
4209 TF Telephone
4217 Sewer Usage
4220 Water
4221 Fuel Oil
4222 Natural Gas
4223 Propane
4224 Electricity
College Services
4301 Administrative Costs
4303 Mail Distribution
4304 Document Delivery
4306 Database Services
4309 General M&O Labor Expense
4310 Furn. Moving Expense-Physical
4314 Services
4326 Athletic Events
4330 Environmental Compliance
4331 Green Initiatives
4340 Dining Fee Summer Programs
4341 Housing Fee Summer Programs
4342 Facility Fee Summer Programs
4344 Camp Supplies Summer Programs
4345 Fee Offset Summer Programs
4355 Gas & Diesel Fuel
4359 Hazardous Waste Disposal
4360 Audio Visual Services
4370 Fellowships
4380 Financial Aid Expense
Rentals, Leases, Maintenance
4402 Software Maintenance
4404 Service Contracts
4408 Equipment Repair
4412 Piano & Organ Maintenance
4413 Off-Campus Computing
4440 Vehicle Maintenance
4445 Storage Rental
4450 Equipment Rental
4452 Music Rental
4455 Film Rental
4456 Vehicle Rental
4457 Classroom Rental
4459 Exhibition Installation
4460 Lease Purchase
4462 Classroom Equipment
4463 Beinecke Village Operations
4464 Off Campus Facilities Rental
Travel & Entertainment
4501 Travel
4502 Entertainment
4503 Field Trips
4504 Candidate Recruitment
4505 Moving Expense
4506 Student Travel Excursions
4507 Travel - Foreign
4508 Meals Language Table
4509 Meals & Lodging
4510 Student Travel
4511 Faculty Travel
4512 Departmental Lecturers
4513 Senior Projects
4514 Senior Presentations
4515 Faculty Committees
4516 Senior Fellowship Travel & Sup
4517 Graduate School Advising
4520 Lecture & Conference Support
4521 Departmental Review
4522 Sigma XI
4523 Curricular Development
4525 Faculty Development Seminar
4526 Faculty Support
4527 Phi Sigma Iota
4528 Director's Lodging
4529 Jitney Serv.-Mileage
4530 Maintenance
4531 Mens Talent Assessment
4532 Womens Talent Assessment
4533 Eta Sigma Phi
4555 All Campus Entertainment
4556 Employee Recognition
4558 Bristol Scholars
4561 Adirondack Program Meals
Professional Services
4601 Accounting & Audit Fees
4602 Actuarial Fees FASB
4603 Other Professional Fees
4604 Perkins Loan Due Diligence
4605 Bank Fees
4606 Consultant/Subcontractor Fees
4607 Student Loan Service
4609 Benefit Plan Administrators Fee
4610 Temporary Agencies Fee
4611 Outside Lab Services
4612 EMT
4613 Contracted Security
4614 VISA Immigration Fees
4615 Legal Fees
4616 Investment Management Fees
4618 Advertising/Publicity
4619 Digitization
4621 Architect Fees
4622 Program Development
4623 Household Service
4624 Outside Printing Services
4625 Endowment Management Fees
4626 Gain/Loss on Stock Gifts
4627 Contracted Physicians
4628 Auxiliary Physician Services
4629 Patient Transport Services
4630 Membership Dues & Fees
4632 Visiting Artist Fees
4634 Language Examiner Fee
4635 Catering
4640 Musical Productions
4642 Solo Performance Pianist
4644 Production I & II
4645 Directing Workshop
4646 Dance Concert
4647 Am. Coll. Dance Festival
4648 Solo Performance Grants
4649 Inter Library Loan Service
4650 Ohio College Library Center
4651 Tax Consulting and Compliance
4654 Travel Insurance
4655 Trustee Liability
4656 Liability Insurance
4657 Student Accident Insurance
4659 Unemployment Insurance
4666 Property Insurance
4667 Automotive Insurance
4669 Artwork Loan fees
4670 Designer Fees
4676 Public Relations Consulting
4680 Officials
4681 Speaker Fees
4682 Permit Fees
4683 Linen/Uniform Service
4685 Conservation
4686 Framing Matting
4688 Theta Alpha Kappa Activities
4691 Native Speakers
4699 Endowment Distribution
Auxiliary Services
4718 Diplomas
4750 Food Service Contract
4752 Food Service Non-Contract
4754 Break Meals
4776 Merchandise
P P & E
4801 Art Acquisitions
4802 Recataloguing
4803 Periodicals
4804 Binding
4805 Books
4806 Conservation Expenses
4807 Land
4810 Fitness Center Equipment
4820 Minor Equipment
4825 Equipment
4826 Buildings
4827 Land Improvement
4840 Software
4841 Hardware
4850 Interest
4851 Principal
4853 Service Charge
4854 Depreciation/Accretion
4855 Premium/Discount Amortization
4856 Issue Costs Amortization
Programs & Oddments
4900 Summer Contracted Operations
4901 Non-Employee Stipends
4902 Sister Friends
4904 Alternative Break Funding
4905 Tournaments
4907 Awards/Plaques/Memorials
4908 Mementos
4910 Prizes & Awards
4912 Exchange Fellow
4914 Remedial Development Program
4915 General/Emergency Fund
4918 Special Events/Programs
4920 Funding
4921 Receipts
4922 Fee Waivers
4923 Housing Lottery
4929 Other Programs
4930 Program Support
4933 RA Room Charges
4934 Harassmnt Sexual Miscond Board
4935 Special District Fees
4936 Tax Compliance Software
4937 Contributions
4938 Taxes and Fees
4939 Exchange rate adjustment
4940 On Campus Orientation
4942 Student Programs
4943 Class & Charter Day
4944 Adirondack Adventure
4946 Outreach Adventure
4947 Exploration Adventure
4950 Campus Wide Surveys
4954 Cable TV
4955 Northside Programs
4956 Southside Programs
4960 Post Season Tournaments
4961 Post Season Tourn Receipts
4964 MSA
4965 RA Staff Training & Developmen
4968 Volunteer Service Programs
4969 Christian Fellowship
4971 Programming
4974 Music
4976 International Travel
4977 Tour Guides / Host Programs
4979 Health Education Programs
4981 Recruitment
4982 Diversity Recruitment
4984 On Campus Recruiting
4985 Off-Campus Recruiting
4986 Student Search Services
4987 Counselor Tours
4990 Inter-Dept Sales/Services
4992 Fringe Benefits
4994 Bad Debt Expense
4995 Contingency
4996 Hamtrek
4997 Wellness Programs
40xx | Personnel Expenses | 40xx | Personnel Expenses | |
4001 | Salaries - Administration | 4022 | Retirement | |
4002 | Salaries - Faculty | 4024 | Group Total Disability | |
4003 | Salaries - Staff | 4025 | Employee Assistance Program | |
4004 | Wages - Part time | 4028 | Medical Insurance | |
4005 | Wages - Temporary | 4031 | Dental Insurance | |
4006 | Employee Stipends | 4037 | SFAS #106 Postretirement Benefits | |
4007 | Solo Performance Faculty | 4040 | Employee Professional Development | |
4009 | Student Help | 4041 | Employee Welfare | |
4010 | M & O Payroll | 4042 | Occupational Health & Safety | |
4011 | FICA | 4051 | Faculty Social Fund | |
4012 | Statutory Disability | 4052 | External Tuition Grants | |
4013 | Workers Compensation | 4053 | Staff Tuition Support | |
4015 | Vacation Holiday & Sick Pay | 4054 | Internal Tuition Grants | |
4016 | Wages - Wellin Museum Security | 4056 | Employee Training | |
4017 | Faculty Artists Fees | 4061 | Camp/Clinic Director Wages | |
4018 | Student Help Grants-Summer | 4063 | Camp/Clinic Counselor Wages | |
4020 | Group Life Insurance |
41xx | Supplies | 41xx | Supplies | |
4101 | Office Supplies | 4126 | Summer Research Supplies | |
4103 | Postage | 4127 | Figuration Supplies | |
4104 | Printing & Duplicating | 4128 | Gallery Preparation | |
4106 | Classroom Supplies | 4129 | Gamblin (Studio Art) | |
4107 | Photographic Supplies | 4130 | Music Purchases & Supplies | |
4110 | Subscriptions | 4131 | Registration Expenses | |
4111 | Machine Supplies | 4132 | Facility Rental Supplies | |
4113 | A-V Materials | 4140 | Uniform Replacement | |
4114 | Hardware & Supplies | 4150 | Operating/Other Expenses | |
4115 | Athletic Equipment | 4151 | Other Research Expenses | |
4116 | Laundry/Dry Clean Expense | 4153 | Museum Security Expenses | |
4117 | Map Room | 4155 | Instructional Cost | |
4118 | Laboratory Supplies | 4156 | Instruction Orientation | |
4120 | Copier Supplies | 4168 | Bench Stock | |
4121 | Elec. Music Supplies | 4174 | General Tools | |
4122 | Medical Supplies | 4177 | Materials | |
4123 | Medical Books | 4182 | Safety Supplies | |
4124 | Hamilton LOGO Apparel | 4190 | Dry Food | |
4125 | Shipping Expense | 4193 | Warehouse Expense |
42xx | Utilities | 42xx | Utilities | |
4202 | Telephone & Internet Fees | 4220 | Water | |
4203 | Local & Special Services | 4221 | Fuel Oil | |
4204 | Telephone Carrier Services | 4222 | Natural Gas | |
4209 | TF Telephone | 4223 | Propane | |
4217 | Sewer Usage | 4224 | Electricity | |
43xx | College services | 43xx | College services | |
4301 | Administrative Costs | 4340 | Dining Fee Summer Programs | |
4303 | Mail Distribution | 4341 | Housing Fee Summer Programs | |
4304 | Document Delivery | 4342 | Facility Fee Summer Programs | |
4306 | Database Services | 4344 | Camp Supplies Summer Programs | |
4309 | General M&O Labor Expense | 4345 | Fee Offset Summer Programs | |
4310 | Furn. Moving Expense-Physical | 4355 | Gas & Diesel Fuel | |
4314 | Services | 4359 | Hazardous Waste Disposal | |
4326 | Athletic Events | 4360 | Audio Visual Services | |
4330 | Environmental Compliance | 4370 | Fellowships | |
4331 | Green Initiatives | 4380 | Financial Aid Expense |
44xx | Rentals, leases, maintenance | 44xx | Rentals, leases, maintenance | |
4402 | Software Maintenance | 4455 | Film Rental | |
4404 | Service Contracts | 4456 | Vehicle Rental | |
4408 | Equipment Repair | 4457 | Classroom Rental | |
4412 | Piano & Organ Maintenance | 4459 | Exhibition Installation | |
4413 | Off-Campus Computing | 4460 | Lease Purchase | |
4440 | Vehicle Maintenance | 4462 | Classroom Equipment | |
4445 | Storage Rental | 4463 | Beinecke Village Operations | |
4450 | Equipment Rental | 4464 | Off Campus Facilities Rental | |
4452 | Music Rental |
45xx | Travel & Entertainment | 45xx | Travel & Entertainment | |
4501 | Travel | 4520 | Lecture & Conference Support | |
4502 | Entertainment | 4521 | Departmental Review | |
4503 | Field Trips | 4522 | Sigma XI | |
4504 | Candidate Recruitment | 4523 | Curricular Development | |
4505 | Moving Expense | 4525 | Faculty Development Seminar | |
4506 | Student Travel Excursions | 4526 | Faculty Support | |
4507 | Travel - Foreign | 4527 | Phi Sigma Iota | |
4508 | Meals Language Table | 4528 | Director's Lodging | |
4509 | Meals & Lodging | 4529 | Jitney Serv.-Mileage | |
4510 | Student Travel | 4530 | Maintenance | |
4511 | Faculty Travel | 4531 | Mens Talent Assessment | |
4512 | Departmental Lecturers | 4532 | Womens Talent Assessment | |
4513 | Senior Projects | 4533 | Eta Sigma Phi | |
4514 | Senior Presentations | 4555 | All Campus Entertainment | |
4515 | Faculty Committees | 4556 | Employee Recognition | |
4516 | Senior Fellowship Travel & Sup | 4558 | Bristol Scholars | |
4517 | Graduate School Advising | 4561 | Adirondack Program Meals | |
4519 | FWC/ALANA |
46xx | Professional Services | 46xx | Professional Services | |
4601 | Accounting & Audit Fees | 4640 | Musical Productions | |
4602 | Actuarial Fees FASB | 4642 | Solo Performance Pianist | |
4603 | Other Professional Fees | 4644 | Production I & II | |
4604 | Perkins Loan Due Diligence | 4645 | Directing Workshop | |
4605 | Bank Fees | 4646 | Dance Concert | |
4606 | Consultant/Subcontractor Fees | 4647 | Am. Coll. Dance Festival | |
4607 | Student Loan Service | 4648 | Solo Performance Grants | |
4609 | Benefit Plan Administrators Fee | 4649 | Inter Library Loan Service | |
4610 | Temporary Agencies Fee | 4650 | Ohio College Library Center | |
4611 | Outside Lab Services | 4651 | Tax Consulting and Compliance | |
4612 | EMT | 4654 | Travel Insurance | |
4613 | Contracted Security | 4655 | Trustee Liability | |
4614 | VISA Immigration Fees | 4656 | Liability Insurance | |
4615 | Legal Fees | 4657 | Student Accident Insurance | |
4616 | Investment Management Fees | 4659 | Unemployment Insurance | |
4618 | Advertising/Publicity | 4666 | Property Insurance | |
4619 | Digitization | 4667 | Automotive Insurance | |
4621 | Architect Fees | 4669 | Artwork Loan fees | |
4622 | Program Development | 4670 | Designer Fees | |
4623 | Household Service | 4676 | Public Relations Consulting | |
4624 | Outside Printing Services | 4680 | Officials | |
4625 | Endowment Management Fees | 4681 | Speaker Fees | |
4626 | Gain/Loss on Stock Gifts | 4682 | Permit Fees | |
4627 | Contracted Physicians | 4683 | Linen/Uniform Service | |
4628 | Auxiliary Physician Services | 4685 | Conservation | |
4629 | Patient Transport Services | 4686 | Framing Matting | |
4630 | Membership Dues & Fees | 4688 | Theta Alpha Kappa Activities | |
4632 | Visiting Artist Fees | 4691 | Native Speakers | |
4634 | Language Examiner Fee | 4699 | Endowment Distribution | |
4635 | Catering |
47xx | Auxiliary Services | 47xx | Auxiliary Services | |
4718 | Diplomas | 4754 | Break Meals | |
4750 | Food Service Contract | 4776 | Merchandise | |
4752 | Food Service Non-Contract |
48xx | P P & E | 48xx | P P & E | |
4801 | Art Acquisitions | 4826 | Buildings | |
4802 | Recataloguing | 4827 | Land Improvement | |
4803 | Periodicals | 4840 | Software | |
4804 | Binding | 4841 | Hardware | |
4805 | Books | 4850 | Interest | |
4806 | Conservation Expenses | 4851 | Principal | |
4807 | Land | 4853 | Service Charge | |
4810 | Fitness Center Equipment | 4854 | Depreciation/Accretion | |
4820 | Minor Equipment | 4855 | Premium/Discount Amortization | |
4825 | Equipment | 4856 | Issue Costs Amortization |
49xx | Programs & Oddments | 49xx | Programs & Oddments | |
4900 | Summer Contracted Operations | 4946 | Outreach Adventure | |
4901 | Non-Employee Stipends | 4947 | Exploration Adventure | |
4902 | Sister Friends | 4950 | Campus Wide Surveys | |
4904 | Alternative Break Funding | 4954 | Cable TV | |
4905 | Tournaments | 4955 | Northside Programs | |
4907 | Awards/Plaques/Memorials | 4956 | Southside Programs | |
4908 | Mementos | 4960 | Post Season Tournaments | |
4910 | Prizes & Awards | 4961 | Post Season Tourn. Receipts | |
4912 | Exchange Fellow | 4964 | MSA | |
4914 | Remedial Development Program | 4965 | RA Staff Training & Development | |
4915 | General/Emergency Fund | 4968 | Volunteer Service Programs | |
4918 | Special Events/Programs | 4969 | Christian Fellowship | |
4920 | Funding | 4971 | Programming | |
4921 | Receipts | 4974 | Music | |
4922 | Fee Waivers | 4976 | International Travel | |
4923 | Housing Lottery | 4977 | Tour Guides / Host Programs | |
4929 | Other Programs | 4979 | Health Education Programs | |
4930 | Program Support | 4981 | Recruitment | |
4933 | RA Room Charges | 4982 | Diversity Recruitment | |
4934 | Harassmnt Sexual Miscond Board | 4984 | On Campus Recruiting | |
4935 | Special District Fees | 4985 | Off-Campus Recruiting | |
4936 | Tax Compliance Software | 4986 | Student Search Services | |
4937 | Contributions | 4987 | Counselor Tours | |
4938 | Taxes and Fees | 4990 | Inter-Dept Sales/Services | |
4939 | Exchange rate adjustment | 4992 | Fringe Benefits | |
4940 | On Campus Orientation | 4994 | Bad Debt Expense | |
4942 | Student Programs | 4995 | Contingency | |
4943 | Class & Charter Day | 4996 | Hamtrek | |
4944 | Adirondack Adventure | 4997 | Wellness Programs |
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