

NOTE: On www pages, this module is available to SiteManager Administrators only; please contact the Communications Office if you’d like to add this module to your page.

  1. Click on Add Content to Main Content button at the bottom of the page and select the News By Tags module.
  2. Mouse over the module and click on Edit.
  3. Type in the tags for each of the three positions and click on Add Tag.
    1. Position 1 is the large feature story, and position 2 and 3 are the smaller stories. 
    2. The most recent story that matches the tag will automatically appear. If you wish to display another one, you can force a story to appear by checking the box in the list of stories.

Last updated: March 23, 2018

SiteManager - News by Tags
  1. After adding all 3 tags, scroll down and click on Save.
  2. The title will be set to Read More by default. To change it, click on Settings next to Tags & Stories and type in your new title.
  3. Choose a background color from the drop-down list.
SiteManager - News by Tags
  1. Click on Save.

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