
This guide provides a brief overview of services, technology, resources and policies available to you as a new member of the Hamilton Community, and your responsibilities in using them.

LITS Policies and Procedures

LITS policies and procedures outline the responsibilities of those who use the library, computing and networking facilities at the College.

Your College Office

Find out about your computer, the Hamilton network, your accounts and passwords, telephone and voice mail, and a variety of web-based tools.

Your Home Office

Licenses available to employees: including Microsoft Office and anti-virus software, home computer repair and short-term laptop loans. Employees are also eligible for cellular phone discounts from several carriers.

Research and Instructional Design for Faculty and Students

The Research & Instructional Design team provides research assistance to faculty and students, and facilitates the use of information and technology in the teaching and learning process.

Technology for Teaching, Presentations, and Events

The Audiovisual Services team provides quality service and support to the Hamilton Community for their teaching and multimedia presentation needs.

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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