

“I focused on creating a cohesive sequence of shots that flowed together to tell the best possible story. This project holds immense significance as it amplifies the voices of the ALANA Caucus, a group that provides an essential space for underrepresented communities on campus to gather and discuss the challenges they face. Staging and editing these interviews has provided me with valuable experience in representing their stories and perspectives authentically. I also enjoyed troubleshooting new technology, as it allowed me to learn and adapt on the go. My favorite part of this project was interacting with both current and former members of the caucus, learning about their experiences at Hamilton, and understanding the importance of this community.”


- Ricaldo Lewis ’26. 

Project Title: ALANA Caucus Promotional Video

Description:  Digital Initiatives, Scholarship, and Collaboration (DISC) helmed the creation of a video exploring the ALANA Caucus through interviews with former members and leaders of the organization. The video allowed members of the ALANA Caucus, which supports and connects students, faculty, and staff of underrepresented races and ethnicities, to discuss the goals and future of the group, as well as promote awareness of the ALANA Caucus throughout the college. The team first chose and staged the set and adjusted its lighting, employing standing lights to effectively highlight the interviewees’ facial features. Each environmental variable, from the position of the chairs to the lighting to the sound, had to be refined to maximize the clarity and intelligibility of the final video. After conducting seven different interviews with key members of the ALANA Caucus, the team used Adobe Premiere to edit together different clips, add musical accompaniment and title cards, and adjust the audio. After producing multiple drafts and revising based on feedback, the DISC team produced an engaging video, complete with animated graphics, music, and closing credits, which splices together different interview clips to construct a balanced, compelling narrative revealing the origins, history, and future goals of the group. 

Deliverables: Video

Date: 2024

Principal: Omobonike Odegbami

Collaborators: Douglas Higgins; Bret Olsen; Ben Salzman; Forrest Warner

Students: Ricaldo Lewis ’26; Suning Hong ’27

Departments and Offices: ALANA Caucus; International Student Services; Library and Information Technology Services


Digital Initiatives, Scholarship, and Collaboration

Office Location
Burke Library

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