

We strive to provide fair and equitable opportunities to Hamilton and other students who work on campus in the summer, as well as various offices and functions interested in hiring students for summer work.

Human Resources is responsible for the coordination of temporary summer employment on campus and job placement at Facilities Management. These positions include Painter, Carpenter Support Team and Grounds Support Team. The application deadline for SUMMER 2024 is Friday April 19, 2024.


Guidelines for Hiring Summer Students

Placement of Students

Individual offices are free to develop their own procedures regarding the selection of students provided the process is open to all qualified candidates and selection is based on job-related requirements. The priority for consideration should be:

1. Students who will be attending Hamilton in the fall;
2. Graduated Hamilton students who will be attending graduate school in the fall;
3. Dependent children of Hamilton employees who will be attending college in the fall;
4. Dependent children of employees who are age 16 or over and attending high school;
5. Students attending other colleges in the fall.

In general, dependent children should not be hired to work in the same office or department as his/her parent. Under no circumstances should a dependent child be hired to work in an office or department where there is a direct reporting relationship through his/her parent or other relative.

International students who graduate in May and plan on working on campus in their field of study during the summer must have Optional Practical Training approval before beginning employment. See Omobonike Odegbami, Director of International Student Services for details.

Wage Rates

Students will be paid according to the Student Wage Guidelines. The goal of the wage scale is to recognize that some positions require more or less skill and/or effort and should be paid at a higher or lower rate. The appropriate salary grade for each position will be worked out between the hiring department and Human Resources. Please note: Hamilton students will continue to be paid bi-weekly during the summer, with FICA taxes withheld.

Payroll Procedures

During the summer, all temporary summer employees who work for the College will be paid on the weekly staff payroll based on the grey Staff Time Sheet or Facilities Management time card submitted to payroll weekly.

All authorization forms and necessary payroll forms must be completed and submitted to Human Resources no later than the first day of a student's employment. In order for a student to be paid in a timely manner, paperwork must be submitted to Human Resources and timesheets/cards to Payroll by the dates listed on the Summer Employment Calendar.

In order for a summer employee to be paid, the employment documents must be completed and submitted to Human Resources no later than the first day of work. Forms will be sent via DocuSign. Please contact Anna Moskal (amoskal@hamilton.edu) for forms. 


Housing is not allowed to be provided as part of an individual's compensation package. The only exception will be Summer Hosts and Community Advisors who are hired to provide oversight of the residence halls during the summer. Information regarding summer housing availability and rates is available from Community Living, x4023.


Meals are not allowed to be provided as part of an individual's compensation package. Summer Programs will attempt to provide housing that includes kitchen facilities whenever possible. All summer students must pay for meals that are eaten in the dining halls. 


Exceptions to the guidelines above will only be approved in extreme circumstances and must be approved by the Vice President of Administration and Finance.


Human Resources

Office Location
Philip Spencer House

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