Committee on Academic Standing
The Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) meets bi-weekly during the academic year to consider General Petitions submitted by students for exceptions to certain deadlines (i.e. add/drop and Credit/No Credit) and certain .
The Committee currently consists of 3 non-voting members and 3 voting members. The non-voting members are: The Chair (Associate Dean of Students for Academics), the Vice President and Dean of Students, and the Associate Dean of Students for Student Support Services. The voting members of the Committee are 3 faculty members who each serve a 3-year term.
A student who wishes to submit a petition to the Committee on Academic Standing for review must complete a General Petition Form and provide a formal statement indicating the regulation they would like an exception to and the reason(s) for the request. The completed petition should be submitted via email to At the next scheduled CAS meeting, the Chair will present the petitions received to the Committee for review and discussion. Once the 3 voting members have reached a decision, the decision will be noted in the minutes. The student will later be notified of the decision via email from the Associate Dean of Students for Academics.
*Note: General Petitions for late add/drop and Credit/No Credit must be submitted before the last day of classes for the semester or they will not be accepted.
For any questions, please contact the Office of the Associate Dean of Students for Academics at or (315) 859-4600.
CAS Actions
Fall 2024 term (513 total actions):
Late Add: 5 approved
Late Credit/No Credit: 4 approved; 9 denied
Reverse Credit/No Credit option: 1 denied
Late Drop: 21 approved (19 of those with “W” notation on transcript); 2 denied
Take more than 5 full credit classes: 6 approved
Proposals for Independent Study: 15 approved
Proposal for Independent Coverage: 11 approved
Interdisciplinary Concentration: 4 approved
Transfer credit for course taken at a community college after earning 14 Hamilton units: 1 approved
Directed Research course for transfer credit while studying abroad: 4 approved
Waiver of 15-credit rule: 2 approved
Participate fully in an extracurricular activity while on second academic probation: 1 approved
Return from academic suspension: 2 approved
Walk at Commencement without having met all graduation requirements: 1 approved
Study Abroad with program not listed on Preferred Program list: 20 approved
Study Abroad without having completed the language requirement: 25 total approved (12 Spanish, 8 Italian, 3 German, 2 French)
Study Abroad without having obtained the required study abroad GPA: 3 approved
Study Abroad during final semester: 2 approved
Study Abroad while on social probation: 1 approved
Petitions for Transfer Credit: 305 petitions processed
Grade Changes: 40 approved; 1 denied
Incompletes: 27 Incompletes were requested by 20 different students. Of the 27 requests, 20 were approved and 7 were denied.
Spring 2024 Term (483 total actions):
Late Add: 6 approved
Late Credit/No Credit: 5 approved; 6 denied
Rescind Credit/No Credit: 1 approved; 2 denied
Late Drop: 12 approved (8 of those with “W” notation on transcript)
Take more than 5 full credit classes: 3 approved; 1 denied
Proposals for Independent Study: 26 approved
Proposal for Independent Coverage: 11 approved
Take 2 Independent Studies in one semester: 1 approved
Take 2 writing intensive courses in one semester and count towards WI requirement: 1 approved
Interdisciplinary Concentration: 3 approved, 1 pending (requested additional info from student)
Minor with two concentrations: 1 denied
Three minors: 1 denied
Take course for 2nd time for a grade (had not failed course): 1 denied
More than 2 transfer credits for summer study: 1 approved
Transfer credit for grade received below C-: 1 denied
Directed Research course for transfer credit while studying abroad: 3 approved
Waiver of 15-credit rule: 1 approved
Waiver of 7-year rule: 1 approved
Return from academic suspension: 2 approved
Return from academic suspension without having met all requirements: 1 denied
Walk at Commencement without having met all graduation requirements: 11 approved; 1 denied
Complete degree requirements off campus: 2 approved
Study off campus with program not listed on Preferred Program list: 23 approved
Study Abroad without having completed language requirement: 24 total approved (9 Italian, 2 French, 2 German, 10 Spanish, 1 Japanese)
Study off campus with domestic program without required off campus study GPA: 1 approved
Study off campus without having completed other requirements (WI/PE/QSR): 3 approved (in conjunction with non-preferred program list requests)
Petitions for Transfer Credit: 226 petitions processed
Grade Changes: 50 grade changes approved; 4 grade changes denied
Incompletes: 46 Incompletes were requested by 26 different students. Of the 46 requests for Incompletes, 27 were approved and 19 were denied.
Office / Department Name
Dean of Students Office
Contact Name
Dean of Students Office