
Friday, May 6

On Class & Charter Day; one star among many

By Caitlin Fitzsimons ’11

Despite stormy forecasts, Mother Nature again smiles down on the Hill on Class & Charter Day — the last day of spring semester classes. For most students, C&C Day is a long-awaited celebration of the year, and the sunny weather, with Hamilton friends. For a select few students, though, it also means receiving a prize, award or scholarship at Class & Charter Day’s traditional Chapel gathering.

At today’s 61st annual ceremony, Hannah Schacter ’12 is the recipient of The Fillius-Drown Prize. Among the College’s most prestigious awards, it is bestowed upon that junior whose academic and leadership abilities indicate that he or she will continue to contribute to the Hamilton, local and global communities. “I am really very excited!” Schacter says. “It is a huge honor.” Given her remarkable accomplishments on the Hill, it is richly deserved.

As a Dean’s List psychology major and sociology minor, Schacter has developed a passion for studying human behavior and the human mind, especially developmental psychology. Beyond her demanding studies, she dedicates “spare” time to conducting additional research with a few psychology professors, serving as a teaching assistant for the psychology course Statistics & Research Methods, and advising fellow students as a writing tutor.

In between studying for final exams and writing lab reports, Schacter reflects on how she hopes to further justify the honor. She will be conducting psychology research at Yale University during the summer before returning to campus in the fall to begin an ambitious senior thesis on cyber-bullying.







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