


Hamtrek is open to all direct members of the direct Hamilton community which includes all current students, employees and their immediate family members holding a Hill Card/Facility Access Card, retirees, and Alumni. All participants must register online as an individual or a 3-member relay team. Registration will open Monday, April 8th.

Race Day Check-In

All participants must personally check-in at the registration desk (located in Emerson lobby near Bristol Pool and Alumni Gym) on the day of the event. The check-in/registration desk will open at 12 p.m. and close at 3 p.m.

Important Notes
  1. Any participants appearing under the influence will not be allowed to participate.
  2. Follow any and all instructions given by HamTrek organizers and volunteers.


  1. Arrive ON TIME at the pool to begin your swim heat! If you miss your start, then you miss your chance to compete. You have 15 minutes to complete the swim. If, after an honest effort, you can not complete the swim in the allocated time, you will exit the pool and be permitted to continue in the race.
  2. No diving. HamTrek will start with a push-start off the bulkhead in the pool.
  3. Up to three swimmers will be assigned in each lane. Make sure to circle swim (stay to the right).
  4. WALK when exiting the pool to the transition area. Slippery surfaces will be encountered and safety is our priority.

Transition #1

  1. Follow the designated path from the pool to the transition area. 
  2. Individuals: Follow signs to the individual transition area to change into your bike gear. Make sure that your helmet (mandatory) is fastened properly, then proceed to the bike rack located in Dunham parking lot.
  3. Teams: Meet your swimmer in the designated team transition area located adjacent to the Dunham parking lot. You will transfer the timing bracelet from your swimmer’s ankle to the biker’s ankle. The biker (helmet required) then proceeds to the bike rack located in Dunham parking lot.
  4. All Bikers: Walk your bike to the designated mounting point. Leave and return to Dunham lot in designated lanes. Do not cross over the lanes.


  2. Pass on the left and allow two lengths to pass before returning to the bike lane.
  3. Use extreme caution at all intersections and reduce speed keeping in mind that the local roads are still hazardous for riding this early in the spring!
  4. Be sure to complete two full laps of the designated bike course.
  5. No earbuds or headphones.

Transition #2

  1. Follow the designated paths as you return to Dunham lot. Dismount bike at the designated point and walk your bike to the bike rack.  
  2. Individuals: After hanging your bike, proceed to the individual transition area to change into running gear. Once your running gear is on, be sure to cross the T2 timing mat as you follow the designated path to Love field to start the run course.
  3. Teams: After hanging your bike, proceed to the designated team transition area to meet your runner.  You will transfer the timing bracelet from your biker’s ankle to your runner’s ankle.  Runners must then be sure to cross the T2 timing mat and follow the designated path to Love field to start the run course.


  1. Areas of the course will have runners going out and runners returning. Be sure to stay to the right and follow the correct arrows. Volunteers are located along the course to help guide you.
  2. Complete the full cross country course. Do not cut off any part of the course. The course will be fully marked. We are watching! (refer to the COURSE tab for map of the course)


  1. Be sure to cross the timing mat as you cross the finish line.  Once you cross the finish line, keep moving forward so that you do not block the finish line timing mat area and proceed to the timing chip return area.  Volunteers will assist you with removing your ankle bracelet.
  2. Be sure to stay around the finish area to enjoy the post-race activities.  Meet your friends, enjoy some food and music.


Official race results and awards will be provided.

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