
Field of Study total %
Sciences & Mathematics 30 46.2%
Social Sciences 11 16.9%
Health Care 5 7.7%
Humanities 6 9.2%
Business Administration 4 6.2%
Law 6 9.2%
Arts 2 3.1%
Communications 1 1.5%

Class of 2021 Stories

Ben Gardner ’21

Gardner ’21 to Pursue Master’s in Finance at Claremont McKenna

Economics major Ben Gardner ’21 has been named a Robert Day Scholar at Claremont McKenna College, where he will pursue a master’s in finance. He talks here about the program and how he learned about it.

Catherine Ryczek ’21

Ryczek ’21 Commits to Caltech

Catherine Ryczek said she’s excited to continue studying physics at Caltech, a top university in science and engineering, following her graduation from Hamilton.

Maggie Carmen ’21

Hands-on Social Work Study at NYU is Next for Carmen ’21

Maggie Carmen ’21 will enter the NYU Silver School of Social Work after graduation. Here, the psychology major tells of her interest in social work, and how her classes and experiences at Hamilton have broadened her awareness.

Kaela Makins ’21

Makins ’21 Headed to City of Hope Doctoral Program

Biology major Kaela Makins ’21 will join a doctoral program at City of Hope National Medical Center after graduation. She talks here about her interest in the medical field, and Hamilton faculty who influenced her.

Robbie Rioux '21

Rioux ’21 to Pursue Masters in Environmental Science at Yale

When he was growing up, Robbie Rioux's ’21 family vacations meant going to state parks. Little did the Syracuse, N.Y., native know that it would later inspire him to continue his education at Yale University, where he’ll pursue a master’s degree in environmental science.

Gustavo Gonzalez ’21

Gonzalez ’21 Headed to Atlantic Acting School

Theatre and psychology double major Gus Gonzalez ’21 was recently accepted into the Atlantic Acting School, where he will enter a two-and-a-half-year program that focuses on acting and the theatre business.

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