

Region total %
MidAtlantic 198 50.9%
New England 96 24.7%
International 22 5.7%
West Coast 21 5.4%
Southeast 16 4.1%
Midwest 16 4.1%
Western 12 3.1%
Southwest 5 1.3%
Central 2 0.5%
AK/HI 1 0.3%
TOTAL 389 100.0%
metro area total %
NYC 123 47.5%
Boston 70 27.0%
DC 32 12.4%
SF Bay Area 8 3.1%
Chicago 7 2.7%
LA 7 2.7%
Philadelphia 6 2.3%
Denver 6 2.3%
TOTAL 259 100.0%

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