Initial CRE Options
Grouped in broad career categories, the following are types of organizations and departments you might consider contacting in your local home area to explore a possible summer CRE/internship:
The Arts
- Auction house
- Children’s program
- Cultural organization
- High-school summer program
- Local artist or craftsperson
- Local Arts Council
- Local government, tourism and historical office or society
- Local museum, gallery or theatre (community, college, or library)
- Local publication – graphics, photography, or design
- Non-profit organization with a art or art instruction related mission
- Performance space (theatre or arena)
- Senior Center
- Summer Arts & Crafts Fair
- Summer camp art program
- Chamber of Commerce
- City, county or state government office
- Commercial bank or credit union – bank teller
- Insurance company – actuarial
- Manufacturing or service company
- Money management or investment firm
- Nonprofit agency
- Private accounting firm
- Real estate agency – field appraisals
- Regional economic development office
- Retail brokerage
Most of the organization types listed below have individuals and/or departments who are involved in: public, media, community relations, publications, event promotion and other forms of writing and communications.
- Casino
- Chamber of Commerce or Tourism Office
- College, university or private school
- Community newspaper
- Corporate communications department of a local company
- Hospital communications department
- Investor Relations department at a corporate headquarters
- Local advertising agency
- Local city, town, county or state government office
- Nonprofit organization (cultural, historic society, human services, environmental)
- Political campaign or the local office of elected representative
- Radio station
- Regional magazine
- Summer fair, festival, or performing arts venue
- Adventure tour or teen tour program
- Day care center or preschool
- Library (educational programs for kids)
- Nature/environmental education center
- Nonprofit organization with education department or an education mission
- Outdoor leadership program (Outward Bound, NOLS, etc.)
- Police department (safety training)
- Private school with summer school session
- Public school - substitute teaching, or summer enrichment
- Summer camp or sports camp, including those for kids with special needs
- Summer residential program for kids with behavioral problems
- Town recreation department
- YMCA/YWCA – sports, recreation, and social programs for kids and teens
- Charitable foundation (marketing outreach, communications, grant writing)
- Insurance company (sales, research, marketing, investor relations, actuarial)
- Local government agency or business office - budget office assistant
- Local investment or commercial bank, or credit union - bank teller, back office staffer
- Local stockbroker - stock broker assistant, sales assistant, researcher
- Money management firm - portfolio management assistant, sales assistant
- Real estate firm (sales, marketing, office work, field appraisals, research)
- Stock Market or Exchange - runner, trader, researcher
Local federal, state, county & town government offices
- Courts
- Health & Human Services/Social Services
- Justice
- Labor/Employment & Training
- Public Service/Consumer Advocacy
- Check telephone “blue pages for other offices”
- Local congressional offices
- Local courts
- Local democratic/republican parties
- Local nonprofit organization that addresses policy area of interest (i.e. education, energy/environmental, health, welfare & poverty)
- Political campaign
- Political consultants and lobbyists (especially near state capitals)
- County, state and federal government office and department (i.e., Legal, Mayor’s Office, Taxation, Codes, PR, Solicitor General, Treasury, Fraud)
- Court/Judge/Public Defender/District Attorney
- Estate Planning/accounting firms/tax service
- Government Relations department at a corporate headquarters
- Legal or human resources department at a corporation
- Local law office
- Not-for-Profit advocacy agency (department might include government relations/lobbying, programming)
- Real Estate Closings department at a bank/savings & loan/credit union
Science and Health
- American Red Cross blood drive
- Hospitals
- Local ambulance service
- Physical therapy office
- Reproductive health clinic
- Residential Care facilities (i.e. for seniors, developmentally delayed)
- Residential home
- Skilled nursing & long term care facilities (i.e., rehabilitation center, nursing home)
- Social Services organization (i.e., United Cerebral Palsy)
- Summer camps for kids with mental or physical health issues
- County or state departments of health
- Environmental consulting firm (hydrology, air, soil, wetland assessment)
- Humane Society
- Nature Center
- State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Nonprofit organization with health or science mission
- Local zoo
- Community Blood Center
- Cooperative extension office (i.e., Cornell)
- 91制片厂 Summer Science Research Program
- Local vet clinic – lab work
- Medical & diagnostic laboratories
- Other university research laboratories