

The Council shall exercise general supervision over the Senior Fellowship Program. The appointment as a Senior Fellow is provisional for one term, with continuation contingent upon the recommendation of the Council which shall consider a detailed written evaluation from the principal advisor.

Fellows must submit their final written projects to their advisors and the Dean of the Faculty not later than two weeks prior to the beginning of the final examination period of the last term of the fellowship. After the written project has been received by the Dean, the Academic Council, in consultation with the principal advisor and the Senior Fellow, will appoint a board of three examiners, at least two members of which shall be from the Hamilton faculty.

The principal advisor, co-advisor, and the board of examiners together shall determine a grade of Credit or No Credit for the fellowship project based upon an assessment of the written project and the performance of the Fellow during the oral defense. The principal advisor shall transmit the grade to the Registrar for permanent recording, and in addition shall write a letter of evaluation expressing the committee’s judgment of the Fellow’s performance on the project. The letter is sent to the Fellow, and a copy will be inserted in the student's personal file in the office of the Dean of the Faculty. Fellows are eligible, on the basis of their work in graded courses, for all honors that they may earn by virtue of their rank in class. In the event of a failure, the Academic Council shall specify the requirements to be fulfilled before the degree is awarded.

Each fellow must present his or her project at a public lecture to which the College community is invited. The scheduling is the responsibility of the principal advisor, but the lecture may not occur earlier than one month before the beginning of the examination period of the last term of the Fellowship or later than the last day of that term.

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