ALEX Advisors
You want the best college experience possible. An ALEX advisor is your personal guide to making that happen. They will help you get the most out of Hamilton by connecting you with the many centers, resources, and people here to support you at every point during your time on College Hill.
Get to Know the Team
Beginning with the Class of 2025, every student is assigned an ALEX advisor.Meet With Your Advisor
ALEX advisors help you create the experience you want, no matter where you are on your journey. -
How ALEX Advisors Help
When should you contact your ALEX advisor? How often should you meet with them? -
Advise, Learn, EXperience
ALEX advisors are part of ALEX, a coordinated network of campus resources.
Our ALEX Advising team provides holistic student support, but each advisor has academic and real-world specialties that inform the team.
Areas of Interestcommunity engagement, advocacy, and assessment
Areas of Interestconflict resolution; mental wellness and self-care; values, meaning and purpose
Areas of Intereststudent-athlete motivation and performance; mental health awareness and advocacyAreas of Interestnavigating the liberal arts, transition to the first year of college, study abroadAreas of Intereststudent leadership development, student media and student government advisingAreas of Interestfeminist pedagogies; class in higher education; narrative theory; first generation college students
FAQ about ALEX Advising
Students can find out who their ALEX Advisor is via under the Network Menu. If a student is having difficulty navigating Compass they can email for assistance.
The ALEX Advisors are located in Couper Hall. Office locations are listed with the contact information with the "Get to Know the Team" section above and there is directional signage in the building. Please email your ALEX Advisor or if you have additional questions.
ALEX Advisors are eager to meet with you to help you create the college experience you want, no matter where you are in your journey. Students meet with ALEX Advisors for a variety of reasons, ranging anywhere from having a specific question to wanting to discuss larger and more complex topics. Your ALEX Advisor will help connect you with programs, services, and resources, enhance the experiences you already are having, and provide you with the tools to get the most out of your time at Hamilton.
ALEX Advisors meet individually with students, and how often they meet depends on each student's goals. Meeting frequency varies anywhere from once a semester to weekly appointments.
Yes, the ALEX Advisors can make accommodations and meet over Zoom if necessary.
At Hamilton, you have a network of advisors who are all helping you on your journey to “know thyself.” Your faculty advisor focuses on your academic program and works closely with you to create an educational plan that matches your interests, strengths, and goals. Your career coach helps you identify skills and interests, explore career options, and connect you with alumni for job or internship opportunities. Your ALEX Advisor is there for nearly everything else. They connect you with resources, services, and programs that will support you throughout your four years, and offer guidance in areas such as off-campus study, experiential learning, and finding balance in your life.

Using Compass
Compass is a digital platform that serves as your one-stop shop to connect with the people and resources in your success network and "raise your hand" if you need help. Faculty and staff can provide you with direct feedback in the form of kudos, flags, and messages, and refer you to support services as needed.
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