
The Hamilton Isotope Lab supports multidisciplinary stable isotope research across the sciences for faculty and students.

  • Sartorius Microbalance CP2P
    Installed: January 2007
  • Costech Elemental Combustion System ECS 4010
    Installed: March 2007
  • Finnigan Conflo III
    Installed: March 2007
  • Thermo Scientific Delta V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
    Installed: March 2007
  • Finnigan GasBench II
    Installed: March 2007

  • δ13C and δ 15N analyses for solid materials as well as wt%
  • δ13C and δ18O from carbonates (DIC)
  • δ18O and δ2H from water

Sample preparation will vary slightly depending on what type of material is being analyzed. The general steps and their explanations are as follows:

Our laboratory standards used daily are certified against USGS and IAEA International standards.


Cat Beck

Assistant Professor of Geosciences

Andrea Townsend

Supporting Faculty
Assistant Professor of Biology

Nathan Goodale

Supporting Faculty
Associate Professor of Anthropology

Greg Rahn

Instrumentation Specialist

Bruce Wegter

Instrumentation Technician

Previous Funding Provided By:

Sherman Fairchild Foundation
National Science Foundation (NSF)
U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP)

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