

Crime Prevention Programs

The College conducts educational programs on sexual assault prevention, alcohol and other drugs, and general issues of personal safety during the orientation program for first - year students, and at other times during the academic year. In addition, the Department of Campus Safety will conduct workshops in residence halls and other venues by request. Safety notices and crime prevention information are distributed throughout the campus, and the campus community is notified of any serious incident in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act [20 USC 1092(f)].

Escort Service

When it is dark, upon request, a campus safety officer or a member of the student security patrol will accompany a student, faculty member, or staff member from one location to another on campus.  In cases where the person requesting the escort is unable to walk, a vehicular escort is provided. Any student, faculty member, or staff member may request any escort by Campus Safety at x4000 or from any of the emergency blue - light telephones on campus. Please call 10 - 15 minutes before the escort is needed.

Harassing Phone Calls or Mail

Any person receiving obscene or harassing phone calls should report each incident to the Department of Campus Safety. The investigating officer will work with Information Technology Services to identify the source of any further calls of a troubling nature. When a line is activated with CALL TRACE, the student receiving the harassing phone call will be able to dial a special code that will identify the calling number. Appropriate disciplinary action and or criminal charges will follow. All persons receiving harassing or obscene calls are encouraged to keep a log of the dates and times of the calls to further aid in the identification of the calling party.

Members of the Hamilton community who receive threatening or annoying mail or e-mail messages are also encouraged to contact Campus Safety for assistance.


The College defines hazing as any action taken or situation created, regardless of intention, and regardless of whether on or off the College premises, designed to inflict physical or mental discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. The College will treat the action of even one member of a group as constituting hazing by the group. Hazing is a violation of New York State Law when such action by a group or organization recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation or affiliation with any organization. Any individual, group or organization found responsible for hazing will be subject to disciplinary action, which may result in separation from the College or revocation of College recognition.

Lost Something?

Stop at Campus Safety or call x4141 to see if it has been turned in. The Department of Campus Safety serves as the central clearing place for lost and found items, such as keys, backpacks, eyeglasses and sometimes bicycles. Lost and found property assistance is available between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m, Monday through Friday.

Have a question for Campus Safety?

An email address, campo@hamilton.edu, has been created to allow members of the campus community another way to communicate with the Department of Campus Safety. The email address may be used to voice a concern, report a potentially hazardous situation, ask a question, or to make a request of our department.


Campus Safety

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