
  1. Conformity to “Allowable Options”
    Except for hours “To Be Arranged,” no course will schedule meetings outside of the “Allowable Options” without the written consent of the Dean of the Faculty.
  2. Courses Scheduled with Hours “To Be Arranged” (TBA)
    When any course has class meetings “To Be Arranged,” no student who has enrolled before the beginning of the term may be precluded because of a scheduling conflict with the “arranged” hours.  In all cases where meetings of a course are to be arranged, the Dean of the Faculty shall be informed of the meeting times.
  3. Multisectioned Laboratory or Studio Courses:
    Courses which schedule multiple laboratory or studio sections will schedule them to include at least one section on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, and at least one on Tuesday or Thursday.  Exceptions require written permission of the Dean of the Faculty.
  4. Starting Times for Courses:
    A class which occupies less than the full time of the slot to which it is assigned may be positioned at any time within the slot.
  5. Scheduling of Late Afternoon Courses:
    No course may be scheduled to run after 4 p.m. without written consent of the Dean of the Faculty.

Allowable Options

Weekly Schedule of Classes

The following represent the allowable options for all scheduled classes. Subscripts and parenthetical letters denote days of the week. Options separated by semi-colons.

  1. 50 x 3
    A; B; C; D; E + O; E + O; E + I; A + I
    m   mw   r   m   mw   r
  2. 50 x 4
    B + O; B + O; B + O; C + 0; C + 0; C + O
    mw   mf   wf   mw   mf   wf
  3. 75 x 2
    I, J; K; L; A + B (mw or mf or wf); F (mf or mw or wf); M + N; G (mf or mw or wf)
  4. 75 x 3
    F; G
  5. 75 x 5
    F + L; G + M + N
  6. 110 x 2
    M + N; J + K
  7. 110 x 3
    F + G
  8. 150 x 1
    L + M; L + N
  9. 150 x 2
    M + N
  10. 170 x 1
    F + G (m or w or f); L + M; L + N
  11. 170 x 2
    L + M and L + N (tr)


Office of the Registrar

8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

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