

Various goods (including packages, lab-use dry goods, chemicals, biological, gas cylinders and live animals) are managed through the Science Stockroom in accordance with the following:


Packages are directly delivered to the Science Stockroom (by Fedex and UPS) as long as “Science Center” is specified in the address, as shown below:

Science Center Department/Recipient’s Name
198 College Hill Rd
Clinton, NY 13323

Once delivered, non-chemical packages are logged into the Stockroom’s package logbook, and delivered. For large and/or heavy deliveries, Mary Collis may contact the recipient to arrange for pick-up from the stockroom. For atypically large deliveries (refrigerator, instrumentation, etc.), please notify Mary Collis at the time of order so that delivery details can be worked out prior to the actual delivery.

Dry Goods (Departmental & Stockroom Store)

Departmental (Biology and Chemistry) supplies, as well as consumables available via the Stockroom Store, are stored in G078. Mary Collis maintains an inventory of both departmental stock and Stockroom Store stock. Consumables available (for charge) from the Stockroom Store shelves include:

  • Aluminum foil
  • Applicator sticks, plain and cotton-tipped
  • Batteries (AAA, AA, 9V)
  • Contrex Cleaner
  • Filter paper (Fisher P8 in various sizes)
  • Jars, 0.5 gallon polypropylene
  • Labeling tape in assorted colors
  • Parafilm
  • Pasteur pipettes, 5-3/4" and 9"
  • Pipette bulbs, 2mL latex
  • Sponges
  • Tubes, 15 and 50 mL centrifuge
  • Wash bottles for assorted chemicals
  • Weigh boats, small and medium
  • Weigh paper
  • Wipes, Kimwipes and Kaydry EX-L

In order to maintain accurate records and adequate inventory, it is important that all supplies removed from the Stockroom are logged out via the Stock Items logbook available at the Stockroom window. For Stockroom Store items, this is especially important as the Stockroom needs to obtain reimbursement for the purchased items. Price labels on Stockroom Store items specify the item description as well as the item’s price. This information must be recorded in the Stock Items log, along with the purchaser’s name and lab room number. Departments are periodically “invoiced” for the consumables purchased from the Stockroom Store.

Chemicals Receipt and Distribution

Chemical packages are logged into the Stockroom’s package logbook, and the chemical containers are then unpacked, dated, labeled, and barcoded prior to delivery. Pre-notification of chemical shipments is helpful (e.g., forward an order confirmation email to Mary Collis) so that up-front work (obtaining MSDSs, determining hazard class, etc.) can be performed prior to receipt of the chemical. Chemicals are stored in G081, G082, and G083, as in the Description of Spaces, above.

  • When ordering a chemical, make sure that the order is addressed properly (as in the Packages section, above) so that direct delivery to the Science Center can be made by the carrier. This avoids the need for on-campus transportation and potential DOT issues.
  • After ordering a chemical, it’s helpful if the order confirmation is forwarded to Mary Collis so that a pre-receipt work-up can be done (determining hazard issues/labeling, obtaining MSDS, etc.).
  • Once received, the chemical package is logged in and unpacked. The chemical is dated, labeled with applicable hazard information, bar coded with the Vertere Chemical Inventory database, and delivered or stored in the Stockroom. Particularly Hazardous Chemicals will not be distributed before the requirements outlined in Appendix G of the Chemical Hygiene Plan are met.
  • To obtain a stock chemical from the Stockroom, make a request in person at the Stockroom window, or via email to mcollis. When picking up a chemical, proper PPE (eye protection, at a minimum) is required, and a rubber chemical transport bucket (available in the Stockroom) shall be used.
  • When a chemical is no longer needed, please return it to the Stockroom for restocking, rather than storing it in the lab.
  • When a chemical container is empty, please place it in the blue “recycling” bin in the laboratory. Empty containers are collected weekly and are logged out of the Vertere Chemical Inventory Management database. Don’t use an empty container for waste collection before it’s been logged out of the inventory database.
  • When a chemical is permanently transferred to a new location, please notify Mary Collis of the container’s bar code number and new location so that the container’s inventory record can be updated.

Gas Cylinder Receipt and Distribution

Gas cylinders are stored in G077 (gas storage closets in the inner Stockroom hallway and corral). Empty gas cylinders should be returned to the G077 hall corral, as space permits. Two gas vendors are generally used by the Science Center’s academic departments—GTS (Biology and Physics), and Haun (Chemistry, Geosciences, Physics, Stockroom). GTS is usually able to deliver any day but Thursday (though next day delivery is not always possible), whereas Haun delivers on Fridays only. A number of back-up gas cylinders are stored in the Stockroom, which are automatically replaced when they are taken from storage for use in a lab. Because delivery schedules may vary, it is critical that gas needs/orders are anticipated, and communicated to Mary Collis as early as possible to leave adequate lead time. As an IMPORTANT reminder, all gas cylinders MUST HAVE the cap in place during transport from the Stockroom to a lab.

Dry Ice:
One pound blocks of dry ice are available through the Stockroom (made on demand). Please contact Mary Collis to obtain dry ice. Please note that the dry ice made in the Stockroom is a “snowy” loose block, rather than the dense commercial variety, and as such, may not be suitable for shipping as it sublimates quite quickly.

Live Animal Receipt and Distribution

Advance notification of expected deliveries of live animals is greatly appreciated. It is helpful to include the desired delivery location of the animals so that they can be delivered to the appropriate recipient/location as soon as possible after delivery.

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