

Information on Hamilton’s emergency preparedness and planning efforts can be accessed here. In addition, the Science Center is equipped with array of emergency preparedness/safety features and capabilities, as follows:

A fully addressable fire safety system with the following components:
  • Full smoke/heat detection and fire sprinkler suppression
  • Fire/smoke doors
  • Emergency lighting
  • Fire alarm pull stations
  • Visual and audible emergency alarms, along with a public announcement system
Emergency power, but note the following:
  • Red outlets or light switches indicate those on emergency generator power
  • If an outlet is “taped over”, do not use it
Additional emergency equipment in labs:
  • Labs with recognized occupational or environmental hazards are identified with signage, as in the example to the right
  • Common lab safety emergency equipment includes first aid kits, fire blankets, emergency call boxes, fire extinguishers, eye wash/showers, spill kits, emergency power kill switches, emergency gas shut offs, and personal protective equipment (PPE)
For all types of emergencies, remember the 3 C’s:

CHECK—assess situation first

CALL—notify your supervisor, others in the immediate area and Campus Safety (x4000)

CARE—render appropriate care/action if you are equipped or capable of doing so, or evacuate space and let others render care/action

Know the location of the your emergency egress, evacuation and assembly points, as follows:
  • Identify 2 means of egress from your lab or workstation
  • In the event of a fire alarm signaling an evacuation, proceed to the nearest exit and gather at the Science Center’s “Muster Point”:
    • That location is the main quad
  • In the event of an actual/on-going emergency in Science, you will be directed from your “Muster Point” to the building’s “Assembly Point”:
    • That location is Commons Dining Hall (primary) or the Field House (alternate)
  • Never reenter Science following an evacuation until told to do so by Campus Safety or your Building Coordinator

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