
Hamilton Christian Fellowship is an evangelical organization with a mission to serve students and faculty on college and university campuses across the nation. The Hamilton Chapter is an open group, welcoming those who are curious about or questioning ideas of faith. The group is student led, supported by resources both on and off campus. There are a variety of options offered to fit the needs of students. More about the Fellowship...

Special Events


Each semester HCF goes on a retreat with Fellowships from across New York, and sometimes New Jersey. In the fall, it is called Expedition, and in the spring it is called Basileia.

Also, each semester the Hamilton Christian Fellowship helps lead a weekend retreat with the Colgate Christian Fellowship to a beautiful cabin off campus or to a church.

Other Events

Over the past year HCF has held events ranging from Holiday Dinners and prayer walks to 12 hour fasts and a campus-wide Sock Hop. In addition, they have gone off campus to see movies like God's Not Dead and Heaven is for Real.

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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