

Procurement FAQs

How do I buy office supplies?

Through our contracted vendor, WB Mason

  • WB Mason comes with many benefits including desktop delivery, invoicing to account, and rebates

How do I buy from Amazon?

By using Hamilton’s Business Prime account

  • Some items like office supplies, furniture, and clothing are restricted to ensure we are purchasing through the appropriate vendors
  • These purchases can still be made; however, they require review and approval by the Procurement office
  • Please click here for Amazon Business Prime instructions for new users

How do I buy office furniture?

By reaching out to Procurement

  • Procurement will work with the vendor on the requestor’s behalf to schedule site visits if needed; this includes office chairs, desks, common area furniture, etc.

How do I submit a requisition?

By completing the Purchase Requisition Excel Form

  • You need to include the vendor, what is being purchased, the appropriate GL code, and a copy of the quote. See instructions here.
  • The req must be emailed to Procurement at purchase@hamilon.edu and must have the appropriate Department Head/VP cc’d

What purchases need a requisition?

The following purchases must utilize a purchase requisition when the total is greater than $1,500:

  • Equipment such as computers, machinery, lab analyzers, etc.
  • Goods such as uniforms, printed materials, classroom supplies, etc.
  • Software such as licenses, maintenance, renewals, etc.
  • Services such as equipment service contracts, repairs, consultants, etc.
  • Furniture must always utilize a requisition regardless of cost

What purchases do not need a requisition?

The following purchases do not need to utilize a purchase requisition even when the total is greater is greater than $1,500:

  • Travel-Related Expenses should utilize a travel card
  • Catering should utilize a p-card
  • Professional Memberships should utilize the Invoice Payment Form
  • Utility Bills should utilize the Invoice Payment Form
  • Legal Fees should utilize the Invoice Payment Form

How do I request a quote for a product or service?

By reaching out to Procurement who will then work with you and the vendor(s) to obtain quotes and possibly utilize a Request for Quote process depending on the product/service needed

How do I request a P-Card?

By completing the Purchasing Card Request Form

  • You must have your Supervisor’s approval as well as VP approval and Procurement approval
  • You must include what the card is needed for
  • Monthly spend limits will be automatically set at $3,000

How do I submit an invoice?

By utilizing the Invoice Payment Web Form and following these steps:

The department should verify the items have been received and then upload the invoice for payment.

Type in Vendor Name

Type in Payment Date Requested (either today's date or a specific date if there is an urgent due date)

All zeroes can be entered into the 13 Digit account number field. 00-0-000000-0000

Type in the invoice amount

Upload the invoice to be attached

The originator should be the name of the Hamilton employee requesting payment, and the system will default to the person entering the information. You may override the information if entering a payment request for someone else. “Type in the Originator's information.”

In the Comments or Instruction box, please indicate the invoice is on a PO (purchase order number). 

In the Approval box, type in Jennifer Mayer and select jmayer@hamilton.edu. This will prompt Procurement to receive and accept items in the purchasing system and will continue the payment process.


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