
James Argo '22, Jason Kauppila '22

When it comes to investment banking, perhaps no other name stands out like Goldman Sachs. And for seniors James Argo and Jason Kauppila, this illustrious bank will soon be home. The two have accepted full-time positions at Goldman to start after graduation.

Argo will be an investment banking analyst in the bank’s Healthcare Group, primarily “supporting more senior bankers as they advise clients on mergers and acquisitions or helping clients access the capital markets,” he explained. “Analysts are typically responsible for handling much of the financial modeling and analysis required in these transactions, and they also help to produce any necessary marketing materials.”

Kauppila will be working in Goldman’s New Analyst Program, a role that will entail maintaining a variety of client trust portfolios, “following fiduciary guidelines, diversifying away from risk, and supporting my team in any way I can,” he said. 

I’ve had lots of great professors here that have challenged me to think critically across a variety of subjects, a true embodiment of what a liberal arts education is supposed to achieve.

On what led him to this position, Argo recalled on-campus information sessions where alumni who had majored in economics described how their skillset was a good fit for careers in finance. A summer internship at Goldman in 2021 introduced him to the firm’s strong culture of mentorship and teamwork, especially as “more senior bankers were always willing to help me understand something, and I always felt comfortable approaching someone for guidance,” he said. “There is also a big emphasis on teamwork, which makes for a positive, collegial work environment and ensures that clients benefit from the insights of all the firm’s professionals.”

About James argo '22

Major: Economics

Hometown: : New Milford, N.J.

High school: Paramus Catholic High School

Kauppila described his “deep-rooted interest in the intersection of environmental studies and the financial markets,” something that prompted him to explore these areas at Hamilton. Like Argo, he cited the influence of alumni working in the field. “These alumni conversations, with people from all levels of seniority in the financial world, were the single most important aspect of building my industry knowledge”, Kauppila said.

He also emphasized the value of previous investment-oriented internships at Burgiss and VanEck, where he gained real-world financial experience.

Reflecting on the relevance of their academic experiences at Hamilton, Argo and Kauppila both mentioned coursework and faculty whose instruction has been influential on their career trajectories. “A lot of the work you end up doing in investment banking is research-based, and many of the courses I’ve taken at Hamilton have helped me hone my research skills,” Argo said.

About Jason kauppila '22

Majors: Economics, Environmental Studies

Hometown: New York, N.Y

High school: Trinity School

“I’ve had lots of great professors here that have challenged me to think critically across a variety of subjects, a true embodiment of what a liberal arts education is supposed to achieve” Kauppila added.

Looking back at their time on College Hill, both Argo and Kauppila were nostalgic about the strong, tight-knit community offered by a liberal arts college. “I’ve met some incredible people at Hamilton, and I think that Hamilton’s relatively small size naturally fosters the formation of strong bonds that don’t develop as easily in other environments,” Argo said.

Kauppila touched on similar ideas when he said, “It’s a real privilege to live within walking distance of everyone on campus … in the working world, I expect I won’t have nearly as much freedom to spend quality time with the great people at this school.”

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