

As the semester winds down, students face their second major election of the year: Student Assembly (SA) president and vice president. All SA positions entail a significant time commitment, but the roles of president and vice president are arguably the most time-intensive, since the students in these roles meet regularly with important administrators and authority figures on campus.

The positions carry a large amount of responsibility, so take a moment to meet the candidates:

On one ticket, Jonathan Stanhope ‘18 is running for president with Maggie Horne ’19 and Gillian Mak ’18 as running mates.

Stanhope Vote
Gillian Mak ’18, Jon Stanhope ’18, Maggie Horne ’19

Stanhope, currently the SA parliamentarian, is a public policy major who started on SA to “do my part in ensuring that the Hamilton community was welcoming to all students,” and is running for president to compound the progress he’s already made on that front this year. For example, he proposed and implemented changes to make the SA Constitution more trans-inclusive and hopes to continue the meaningful discussion around sexual assault that arose this fall. In the future, Stanhope plans to pursue legally-based progressive activism.

Horne is a math major and currently serves as a SA class representative. She joined SA her first year so she could advocate for student concerns. Horne stated that she’s running for vice president (spring 2017) to “make Hamilton a place where all feel represented, included, and safe.” After Hamilton, she aspires to combine her interests in education and the outdoors to either teach or study in the realm of experimental education.

Mak, currently SA secretary, studies world politics and began on SA because it was an accessible platform for students to voice their concerns. She's running for vice president (fall 2017) to help improve and further engagement and discussion with the student body. After graduation, she plans to work at an inequality-focused NGO or think tank in DC for some time before eventually attending law school.

The other ticket running in this election is Jonathan Kirshenbaum ’19 for president and Samantha Gordon ’19 for vice president.

Jonathan Kirshenbaum ’19, Samantha Gordon ’19

Kirshenbaum currently serves as a SA representative, and is pursuing a major in public policy with a minor in jurisprudence, law, and justice studies.  With years of experience in student government in high school, he’s running for president to deepen SA’s relationship with College authority bodies, especially since many positions will be in transition over the next two years. Kirshenbaum jokes that, “if the water-slide tester route doesn't work out,” he’ll most likely pursue “broadcast journalism or public relations.

Gordon is also a public policy major, with a minor in sociology. She is not currently a member of SA, and views her “outside perspective” as valuable. She’s running for vice president because she sees how much SA is able to accomplish and wants to use her outside perspective to further reflect and promote issues important to the student body. After Hamilton, Gordon plans to attend law school--but not before hiking the Appalachian trail in its entirety, a dream she’s had since she was 12.

Both campaigns have committed to using positive outreach tools to hear and learn from the student body.  Additionally, members of both campaigns would like to stress that if any students would like to speak to them before the election, they are available via campus email and social media.

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