
Your Community Advisor (CA) will probably be the first person you see when you get here and the last person you see when you leave at the end of the year. And for all the times in-between, your CA will be the one person you can really count on to help you get ‘connected’ to the Hamilton community.

Community Advisors act as programmers, listeners and leaders in the residence halls. Community Advisors provide friendship, advice and guidance to new students in all aspects of their adjustment to college life.

What person will sit up late at night with you discussing a problem? Your CA. Who has the inside story on classes, registration, and professors? Your CA. Where do you go to find out if there’s a vacuum cleaner in your hall? Your CA. Who can fill you in on the social scene at Hamilton? Your CA. Let’s face it: Community Advisors at Hamilton wear many important hats that help make the transition to life on the Hill a whole lot easier for you.

Role of Area Directors

The three area directors are full-time community living professional staff members who live on campus. In addition to guiding, supervising and training the community advisor staff, you may notice an Area Director attending a program in your hall, eating lunch in the diner, checking lounge furniture in your building, contributing to a campus-wide meeting or attending to an emergency situation on campus. They also work closely with CAs with roommate conflicts and mediation. Say hello and get to know these important people!



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Community Living

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