

Science & Islam: Global Histories

Course Number: RELST 116
Title: Science & Islam: Global Histories
Day & Time 1: MWF 10:00AM 10:50AM
Instructor I: Advani A
Credit: 1.00
Course Description:

Too often, we associate scientific progress with Enlightenment Europe. As an alternative approach, this course delves into the world of Islamic science, shaped by the influence of Greek, Chinese and Indian traditions as well as by Perso-Arabic polymaths experimenting with philosophy, healing, astronomy and astrology. Between the tenth and seventeenth centuries, what knowledge systems did Muslim innovators draw on to craft their intellectual genealogy? How did these scholars push forward the fields of logic, medicine, physics and occult? We will study scientific manuscript production in medieval Islamicate courts across the Mediterranean, Middle East, South and East Asia that fostered networks of circulation and a robust exchange of ideas.

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