

Environmental Justice and The Soundscape

Course Number: ENVST 335
Title: Environmental Justice and The Soundscape
Day & Time 1: TR 02:30PM 03:45PM
Instructor I: Edusei K
Credit: 1.00
Course Description:

Environmental injustice almost always involves the loss of the diversity of sounds, acoustics, and music in the soundscapes of Black, Brown, Indigenous, people of color, and global south peoples. This course asks students to engage the environment as an acoustic artifact and consider how colonialism is threatening the social, cultural, economic, and political dimensions of soundscapes. Drawing on various disciplines, including acoustic ecology, cultural studies, ethnomusicology, and environmental studies, this course examines the changes in the sonic environment and its effect on humans, non-humans, and ecosystems alike. Sound is an integral aspect of the ecology and biodiversity; through their coursework, students will consider their sonic relationship to the environment.

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