

Introduction to Econometrics

Course Number: ECON 266
Title: Introduction to Econometrics
Day & Time 1: TR 09:00AM 10:15AM
Day & Time 2: R 01:00PM 02:15PM
Instructor I: Conover E
Credit: 1.00
Course Description: An introduction to econometric methods that are frequently used in applied economic research. Emphasis on interpreting and critically evaluating empirical results and on establishing the statistical foundations of widely used econometric methods. Topics include the classical linear regression model, functional form, dummy explanatory variables, binary choice models, panel data models, instrumental variables and time series models. Three hours of class and 75 minutes of laboratory.
Comments: Open to 1st Yrs, Soph. & Jrs. Only. Not open to those who took ECON 400. Juniors must be ECON concentrator.

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