

Queering the Airwaves: Feminist Podcasting

Course Number: DARTS 212
Title: Queering the Airwaves: Feminist Podcasting
Day & Time 1: TR 09:00AM 10:15AM
Instructor I: McEachern M
Credit: 1.00
Course Description:

Podcasting - episodic audio internet programming made available for download or streaming - has emerged as a space where women, trans folks, and femmes can archive stories related to their lives from an uncensored feminist perspective. In this writing intensive course, students will learn the fundamentals of how to script, edit, and produce feminist podcasts, and explore the medium of podcasting as feminist archiving. Students will utilize queer/women of color feminisms to contextualize their narratives, examine how podcasting is used for grassroots community building, and analyze podcasting as a way to subvert the erasure of queer/women of color contributions to current technoculture.

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