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Taylor Science Center G070

Viva R. Horowitz collaborates with the University of Oregon and the Air Force Research Lab. She built dynamic artificial cells as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard and designed opto-mechanical gyroscopes as a postdoctoral research scholar at Caltech. Horowitz earned her doctorate in physics at UC Santa Barbara, where she built a new tool for magnetic imaging using the quantum bits in optically levitated nanocrystals of luminescent diamond. She graduated with a bachelor's in physics from Swarthmore College.

Recent Courses Taught

Quantum Physics
Research Seminar
Senior Research Project
Physics I
Physics II
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Quantum Theory Seminar
Waves and Fields Lab

Research Interests

Condensed matter experiment, including: Colloidal qubits in solution, micro-swimmers, microfluidics, sensing, and table-top optical techniques.


  • Sidney Wertimer Award, 2023

Select Publications

  • Horowitz, V.R., Carter, B., Hernandez, U.F. et al. Validating an algebraic approach to characterizing resonator networks. Sci Rep 14, 1325 (2024).
  • Carter, B.; Hernandez, U.F.; Miller, D.J.; Blaikie, A.; Horowitz, V.R.; Alemán, B.J. Coupled Nanomechanical Graphene Resonators: A Promising Platform for Scalable NEMS Networks. Micromachines 202314, 2103.
  • Spatial mapping and analysis of graphene nanomechanical resonator networks. B Carter, VR Horowitz, U Hernandez, DJ Miller, A Blaikie, BJ Alemán. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.03680
  • Deterministic Quantum Emitter Formation in Hexagonal Boron Nitride via Controlled Edge Creation. Josh Ziegler, Rachael Klaiss, Andrew Blaikie, David Miller, Viva R. Horowitz, Benjamín J. Alemán. Nano Letters. 19, 2121–2127 (2019).
  • Active colloidal particles in emulsion droplets: A model system for the cytoplasm. Viva R. Horowitz, Zachary C. Chambers, Irep Gözen, Thomas G. Dimiduk, Vinothan N. Manoharan. European Physical Journal Special Topics, 227, 2413–2424 (2019).
  • Electron spin resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in optically trapped nano diamonds. Viva R. Horowitz, Benjamín J. Alemán, David J. Christle, Andrew N. Cleland, and David D. Awschalom. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109. 13493 (2012).
  • Generating spin currents in semiconductors with the spin Hall effect. V. Sih, W. H. Lau, R. C. Myers, V. R. Horowitz, A. C. Gossard, and D. D. Awschalom, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97. 096605 (2006).
  • Mechanical control of spin-orbit splitting in GaAs in In0.04Ga0.96As epilayers. V. Sih, H. Knotz, J. Stephans, V. R. Horowitz, A. C. Gossard, and D. D. Awschalom, Phys. Rev. B 73, 241316 (2006).
  • Aggregation behavior and chromonic liquid crystal properties of an anionic monoazo dye. Viva R. Horowitz, Lauren A. Janowitz, Aaron L. Modic, Paul A. Heiney, and Peter J. Collings, Phys. Rev. E 72, 041710 (2005).
  • Optofluidics: field or technique? Viva R. Horowitz, David D. Awschalom, and Sumita Pennathur, Lab on a Chip, 8, 1856 (2008).

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara
M.S., University of California Santa Barbara
B.A., Swarthmore College

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