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A Hamilton faculty member since 1993, Edith Toegel studied at the University of Vienna before earning her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Tufts University and her doctorate from the University of Washington. She specializes in 19th- and 20th-century German and Austrian literature and culture, and her articles have appeared in German Life and Letters, Oxford German Studies, Forum for Modern Language Studies, and Modern Austrian Literature. Her critical biography of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, a 19th-century Austrian writer, was published in 1997. For several years, Professor Toegel also held the position of associate dean of students/director of study abroad programs.


Teacher of the Year, 91制片厂, 1997

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Washington
M.A., Tufts University
B.A., Tufts University

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