

Students elect to take Placement Exams; not all take them. Students should have completed them during summer registration. Students who think they have been inappropriately placed should go to the first class and speak to the instructor. If they still feel they are not in the right section, they or their advisor should contact the appropriate person listed below.


Students in some language courses can, at the instructor’s discretion, be switched to a different section after the add/drop deadline.


A student who wishes to take a Mathematics course, and who either does not have a Placement Recommendation should contact Michelle LeMasurier at mlemasur@hamilton.edu (ext. 4418).

Music Theory

Students may take the Music Theory Placement Exam by contacting the Music Department. Students who do well on this exam may be able to skip MUS 109 and enroll in MUS 209 instead. If a student did not complete this exam over the summer and wishes to do so prior to registration, he/she should contact the Music department to take the exam.

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