

Fall 2025: Innovation in the Global City

Director: Chris Georges, Leavenworth Professor of Economics
Phone: 315-859-4472
Email: cgeorges@hamilton.edu

Open to all majors.
Prerequisite: Econ 100.
One course can count toward the Economics concentration or minor.

New York City is one of the great global cities at the heart of the global economy. It is also a site of continual innovation, disruption, and change. This semester, we will focus on economic and social innovation in New York City in the context of innovation and change in the global economy.

College 395 Innovation and NYC

This course is organized around readings, guest speakers, and field trips in New York City. The City provides us an unparalleled space in which to study innovation in technology, industry, public policy, and the social sector. From AI and fintech to climate mitigation and urban planning, we will engage with contemporary and historical innovation case studies in this amazing city.

College 398 The Economics of Innovation

We will focus on the economics of technology and innovation with particular attention to New York City. Topics to include, for example, the implications of innovation and technological change for jobs, inequality, education, and wellbeing, the sources and financing of innovation, innovation in the public and social sectors, and cities as drivers of innovation. Prerequisite Econ 100. Students who have also completed Econ 166 can receive credit for this course toward the Economics concentration or minor.


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Maddie Carrera

Director of Experiential Learning

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