

Latin Ball with La Vanguardia

By Madeleine Cerone

Unlike other heritage months, Latinx Heritage Month lasts from mid-September to mid-October in order to capture the abundance of independence days that occur within this time period. La Vanguardia (LV) celebrated the closing of Latinx Heritage Month with a lively celebration at Latin Ball on the night of October 12th in the Tolles Pavilion. 

As a collaboration with the Black and Latine Student Union (BLSU) and Sadove Programming, this party was a hit. Everyone arrived in their best attire, ready to dance the night away, but if you needed something to wear, LV e-board members sat off to the side offering red, La Vanguardia t-shirts! Alongside good food and a mechanical bull, a HEAT performance was also part of the night’s festivities The campus’ favorite hip-hop dance team graced us with an energetic number around 9:45. Everyone cheered them on as they moved together in perfect sync.

Thank you La Vanguardia, BLSU, and Sadove Programming for another successful celebration of Hispanic culture! We are so grateful for the community you nourish on campus.

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