As we begin the fall season and?grow closer to daylight savings time, many people start?to feel down or experience the “seasonal blues”. This pattern of sadness is a form of depression?called?Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD.?The change in weather, shorter days, and lack of?sunlight?can leave you feeling low energy and just not yourself.?Some other symptoms include?insomnia, weight gain,?change in appetite,?and?social isolation.?
Fortunately,?there?are some steps you can take to prevent SAD and?keep your?life on track this?fall/winter season.?
Have?a?regular exercise routine.??Incorporating?at least 30 minutes of?physical activity into your?day?can activate your neurotransmitters and increase your mood.
Expose yourself to as much sunlight as possible.?Getting natural sunlight is very important during the colder months.?Try?sitting?outside?for a bit during the day or even just opening the blinds in your home to?absorb?nature’s vitamin D.
Try light therapy.?When it’s a gloomy day or?there isn’t?any?natural sunlight?available, light therapy is a great alternative.?First thing in the morning, sit in front of a light therapy box for at least 20 minutes?each day.
Connect with friends and loved ones.?The cold weather may make you feel?like staying inside and isolating, but the best thing you can do is spend time with those who make you feel cared?for.?Having a positive support network?can boost your mood and distract you from any negative?feelings you may have.
Meditate.?Meditation can calm your mind and release any anxious?thoughts.?After meditating,?many people feel more at peace and?relaxed?due to a rise in serotonin levels.?
Remember that SAD is very common and usually goes away after the winter season. However, if you?feel overwhelmed by your symptoms or notice a major decline?in?your mental health, please?know that you are not alone. Speak to your Primary Care Provider. They are here?for you?and?ready to help you get your health back on track.?