Editorial Style Guidelines
Below is a summary of some of the most frequent editorial style inconsistencies found on Hamilton’s website.
Academic year
2013-14, not 2013-2014
Class of
Capitalize the “C” when referring to a particular class with the year: The Class of 1999 celebrated its reunion.
On first reference use 91ÖÆƬ³§. It is not necessary to use the word “College” on second reference; the word “Hamilton” can stand alone. When referring to Hamilton as “the College” on second reference, use a capital “C.”
Do not include “th,” “nd” or “rd” after the day or the month: They were married on February 19 (not February 19th).
No hyphen.
Hamilton buildings and facilities
The College’s newest building is the recently opened Sadove Student Center at Emerson Hall. Use the full name on first reference; Sadove Student Center on second reference.
- View a complete list of formal and second-reference names of .
Hamilton graphic identity
For guidelines on usage of the Hamilton logo (wordmark plus cupola) and wordmark, athletic logo, College typeface, colors, etc. refer to the.
Phone numbers
- Use hyphens (not parentheses, periods or slashes) between the area code and number: 315-859-4000. Do not include “1” before any 10-digit number.
- 315-859-4276, not ext. 4276 or x4276
After a period, only one space is needed.
Lowercase spring, summer, winter, fall: spring break, fall semester. Exceptions are part of a formal name: Alternative Spring Break.
Times should use a.m. or p.m. with periods; no caps and no zeros: 3 p.m. Do not use 12 in front of noon or midnight. Do not repeat a.m. or p.m. when giving a time range: The workshop was scheduled for 3–5 p.m. (not 3 p.m.–5 p.m.)
- before a name Capitalize titles of Hamilton employees. Do not set off by commas: Professor of Music Sam Pellman gave a lecture. Master Mechanic Jeff Smith was promoted.
- after a name Lowercase after a name and set off by commas: Sam Pellman, professor of music, gave a lecture. Jeff Smith, master mechanic, was promoted.
- standing alone without a name Lowercase: The president gave a speech.
webpage, website
One word. Lowercase.