Collaborative Spaces
Instructional spaces devoted to the humanities are lacking and don't provide spaces for students to study and collaborate with their professors and each other.
We prepare our students to become critical thinkers in order to address society鈥檚 most pressing problems.
Instructional spaces devoted to the humanities are lacking and don't provide spaces for students to study and collaborate with their professors and each other.
Building a Center for the Humanities and renovating existing spaces will address issues of pedagogy, safety, and comfort that will put the humanities on equal footing with other academic divisions.
If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them. — George Orwell
The humanities have long been the heart of a liberal arts education, and a critically thinking, liberally educated populace is essential to our democracy.
In the 19th century, Hamilton’s curriculum was devoted entirely to the classics, history, languages, and literature, essentially the study of human civilizations, values, and communication. We remain dedicated to these subjects because they are fundamental to our identity as a liberal arts college and indispensable to the success of our graduates.
But our humanities facilities don’t reflect that devotion. Most of the spaces lack the features that match today’s pedagogy, in particular spaces for students to study and collaborate with their professors and each other, faculty offices that accommodate small-group discussions and interaction, and flexible classrooms conducive to a range of teaching styles. It’s a credit to our faculty who have adapted their pedagogy to teach in spaces that are much less than ideal. One needs to look no further than the educational transformations made possible with new facilities for the sciences, social sciences, and the arts to recognize the enormous potential of a new Center for the Humanities on the Hamilton campus.
Because Hamilton seeks to complete the renewal of academic facilities that was begun at the turn of this century and has thus far addressed needs in the sciences, social sciences, and the arts. This new effort includes a renovation and modernization of existing humanities facilities to address issues of pedagogy, safety, and comfort, and new spaces to put the humanities on equal footing with other academic divisions while replacing the square footage that will be lost to the renovation of Root Hall, Couper Hall, and Benedict Hall. Whether the space is new or renovated, investing in the humanities is about creating facilities that foster the teaching styles and collaboration that are not possible in our existing humanities classrooms.
These facilities will be a clear and confident statement about Hamilton’s continuing commitment to the humanities as a fundamental component of a liberal education and their importance to the College and society.
Michael Klosson ’71, a longtime member of the United States Foreign Service, former U.S. ambassador, and current vice president of policy and humanitarian response at Save the Children, talks about how Hamilton prepared him for his career.
Hamilton prepares students to lead lives of meaning, purpose, and active citizenship. The world needs what Hamilton graduates have to offer.
There is a power in just listening to people.
In April, Kamila visited the Hill to meet with students and gave a reading of her seventh book Home Fire. The event was streamed live on Facebook.
The material will fill a hole in the literature for academics, policymakers, researchers, and students about the actual conditions inside prisons.
Initiated in 2009 when Larson put out a call for essays from incarcerated people and prison staff about what life was like inside, the archive has grown to more than 1,200 responses in paper form and more than 1,100 online.
I believed that oppression based on gender, race, sexuality, etc., were things of the past.
The humanities are the heart of a liberal arts education, and people who are liberally educated are essential to our democracy