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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`aSheet1  ; 91ƬRecords Retention ScheduleBusiness Office Description PermanentN/A To Archives?Student Tuition Accounts Correspondence Billing Records Cash ReceiptsFISAPGeneral Accounts ReceivableStudent Loan AccountsGeneral AccountingAccount Reconciliations)Accounts Payable Vouchers and AttachmentsDepreciation Records#Subsidiary Ledgers (A/P, A/R, etc.)%Travel Reimbursements and AttachmentsAudit Workpapers%Information Returns (990, 1099, etc.)Sponsored Grants and Contracts Annual Financial Reports (A-133)Effort CertificationsPayrollRetention in OfficeRetention in DunhamFinal DispositionNoCapital Equipment Records{Banking Records, including Deposit and Withdrawal Records, Bank Statements and Reconciliations, Voided and Cancelled Checks)Journal Entries and Back-Up DocumentationTrial Balances34 CFR 668.24(e)#Annual Audited Financial StatementsManagement LettersNo CFY = Current Fiscal Year;* Regulation column is equal to or greater than Statutory Refer to: Statutory*Shred via ConfidataEmployee Medical RecordsEmployee Immunization RecordsCopy of EMT's CertificationStudent Health CenterStudent Immunization Records .Summer Program Medical Records & ImmunizationsVisitor Medical Records /Copy of Medical Providers Professional LicensesTotal College RetentionCommunication & DevelopmentEndowment Agreement DocumentsEstate folders: Dean of Students Office Judicial Files Honor CourtDean of FacultyAnnual ReportsStanding CommitteesDepartment Files Department ReviewsCopies of Teaching Evaluations Numeric evaluations Auxiliary ServicesRisk Management:Active Insurance PoliciesInsurance Claim DocumentsCampus Training Documents MVR Reports Real Estate: Mortgages Occupancy Agreements Deeds and TitlesSales of Property Records Property Tax Records Leases:CopiersPostage Meter Equipment NY and Washington Apartments Contracts and Agreements: Hill Card:Deposit Records Physical Plant"Building Plans and Specifications:Construction Document as BuiltConstruction Shop Drawings Current RenovationSpecifications Building Maintenance ManualsUtility Drawings Legal Documents:Right of Ways Certificates of Occupancy Water Agreements Life of AgreementYes Building Variances Water TankFinancial Aid OfficeEntrance and Exit InterviewsDisbursement and Refund FilesPell (Federal Grant)%NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) Endowed Scholarships Outside Scholarships ACT Questionnaire IPEDSPeterson's Survey NYSED - Student Financial Aid Permanent 9Cambridge & Associates - Freshman FA & Admissions Survey !Common Data Set - Inst. Research Shred$Vitec/Consulting Services Contracts varies Permanent*Central Email Central Voice Mail Backup TapeMaximum 6 months President's OfficeCollege CharterBy-LawsYes,Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes & Materials$Executive Committee Meeting Minutes !President's Office correspondenceSome permanentWebsiteRegistrar's OfficeStudent TranscriptsStudent Files **Other Student Records Military Transcripts Permanent *,Teachers Certification Documents (1961-1973) Summer NSF Institute (1959-1972)"Summer Language School (1967-1969)Credit/No CreditTranscript Requests Grade RostersCommencement Programs Schedule Booklets Counseling CenterCounseling Records (NDEA French Summer Institute (1961-1965)Investment Office.Monthly Performance & Asset Allocation Reports%Investment Committee Meeting Minutes (Russell Commission Recapture Statements Broker StatementsQuarterly Fee StatementsAudited Financial StatementsHuman ResourcesShred (Confidata)Benefit File (if EE terminated Benefit file (if EE terminated)Benefit Plan Records %C-2 Forms (Report of Employee Injury)CFY &Mellon Performance Reports - Quarterly,Legal Agreements & other Legal DocumentationCorrespondenceLimited Partnerships (LPs)Active & Closedyes Custodian Directives *Audited Financial Statements (Hedge Funds)7Quarterly Alternative Investments Binders (Hedge Funds)(Quarterly Alternative Investments BinderLibraryTask Force ReportsPersonnel File#Active-Forward to Plant at opening Physical Plant PolicyShred (Active - Forward to HR upon termination HR Policy%Forward to Business Office upon sale Business Office PolicyBusiness Office Policy Delete/Shred30-90 days after termination Until departure Waste Records(Notification of Regulated Waste ActivityPersonnel TrainingUsed Oil Disposal RecordsMedical Waste RecordsAsbestos Waste RecordsOther Waste RecordsAsbestos RecordsSurvey/Sampling ResultsPetroleum Storage Tank RecordsTier I/II ReportsAir Emission Compliance RecordWastewater Discharge RecordsOther Environmental RecordsEnvironmental MonitoringRemediation Reports OSHA RecordsMSDSsWork Place Exposure RecordsRespirator Medical ClearanceWorkplace Noise Surveys RadiationOccupational Exposure RecordsATransfer/Disposal of Radioactive Materials or Radiation EquipmentDecommissioning Records Acceptance Testing/Certification-Inspection/Maintenance Fire Protection System)Inspection/Maintenance Fire ExtinguishersFire Alarm SystemsEvacuation Drill RecordsFire Investigation ReportsTraining Records(NCAA Division III FA Reporting Program. Environmental ComplaintsAudiometric Test ResultsILicense, Registrations, Radiation Safety Program and Inventory of SourcesGeneral Endowment  Student Drivers:Student Tuition Account File Withdrawals Notices" Outside Scholarship Information%Accounts Receivable Subsidiary LedgerStudent Loan File Repayment Schedules& Personal & Confidential Information Deferment Forms Account SummariesBank Reconciliations AFSA Reports"Grant and Contract Files (Federal),Grant and Contract Files (State of New York)Indirect Cost Rate Calculations)Annual Payment Records (W-2, Alpha Lists)SRecord of Payments and Deductions (Payroll Registers, Deduction Lists, Adjustments)9Alumni: Correspondence, File Memos, Gift Receipts, Etc. <Parents, Friends, Widows: Correspondence, File Memos, Etc. /Originals of all Planned Giving Legal DocumentsCorrespondence of EstatesGift Annuity ContractsTrust DocumentsPooled Income Funds!Instrument of Transfer Documents Prospect Profiles All Gifts$Harassment/Sexual Misconduct Records Legal CasesFaculty Meeting Minutes Annual Organization Chart7Annual Fund Code Reports for Acquisitions of Materials TDescriptions and Chronologies of Changes to the Physical Arrangement of the Library 7Related Records until Action Resolved (Legal Documents).Affirmative Action Documents/ EEO Data/ReportsFMLA Information.Record of Employee Exposure to Toxic Chemicals!Financial Aid Transmittal Reports Original Promissory Notes$Grant and Contract Files (Non-Gov't) Time Cards4College Policy is Equal to or Greater than Statutory#Pre Hospital Care Report (EMT Call)cCommittee Files: Agenda, Minutes, Correspondence, Reports for Committees that are not College-WideConference Files *Correspondence dealing with Fiscal Matters2Correspondence that is not Policy, but InformativeRecords that Document PoliciesFaculty Fellowships/Leaves .Personnel Files of Terminated/Retired Faculty !Personnel Files of AdministratorsOAffirmative Action Position Applicant Files: Data on Search and Correspondence <Contracts (copies) that are sent to me by other Departments Trademark Records gPurchase Orders: Purchasing Copy (Processed/Paid Purchase Orders are Part of Accounts Payable Records $Card Balances (Inactive Cardholders)SOff Campus Files (Consortium Agreement, Cost of Attendance and Billing Information 7Construction AV Systems Specifications from Consultants-Construction AV System Proposals from Vendors< Construction Bid Documents Construction AV System Drawings E-mail Account Creation Details Hardware Contracts Software Contracts 0Email stored on Desktop Computers (IMAP Folders)6Paper/Electronic Personnel Files on Current Employees 0Historical Information related to IT at HamiltonReleases for Recordings 'Sale of Old Hardware Inventory Details Software Licenses ESS User Files SSS Student Files System Log Files (Many)F**Confidential except for Director Information under FERPA until DeathBOriginal Hard Copies filed Alphabetically in Fire Proof Cabinets Add/Drop Forms :Electronic Transcripts are maintained in Colleague System 4Electronic Copy in Colleague most Courses after 2006 Hard Copy Some Courses in Music ,College Catalogues (Most Years back to 1819)&Investment Committee Meeting Materials@Partnership Agreements, PPMs, Amendments & other Legal DocumentsApplicant Materials and Recruitment Files, includes Applications, Resumes, Letters from Applicants; Job Advertisements/Postings; Other Documents pertaining to Application Process, including Employment Tests; Pre-Employment Physicals and/or Background Screening; Employment Agency Correspondence.;Worker's Compensation Files/Reports (other than C-2 Forms )?Microfiche of all Transcripts are stored in Registrar's Office Foundation Files/Endowment FundsDBudget Information: Budget Requests and Budget Worksheets and Files /Correspondence dealing w/Policy and/or ProgramsFile on every Current Student, which Contains Application, SAT Scores, HS Transcripts, Notes about the Student, Academic Warnings, other Important InformationEmployee W-4 and I-9 Forms Destroy IndefinitelyArchived or Destroyed#Maintained in Business Office VaultNever Inactive%Indefinitely in Business Office Vault8Indefinitely for Confidential use by College Fundraisers Useful LifeHard Copies ShreddedDelete from SystemVariesUpon Departure Waste Manifests3 Years7 YearsException Reports4 YearsEmployment, plus 3 YearsEmployment, plus 4 YearsUniversal Waste RecordsCurrent RecordsCurrent Registration5 Years10 Years15 YearsCurrentAmbient Noise Surveys5 Years from ResolutionCurrent, plus Prior PlanCurrent in Work Area, and EHS%30 Years, or List of Chemicals in Use 30 Years Current EmployeesEmployment, plus 30 Years2 YearsDuration of EmploymentDuration of License Duration of License/Registration%Permanent until Authorized to DisposeAll Existing Systems5 Years Current Inspection ReportUntil System is Decommissioned30 Years&Respirator Fit Test/Program EvaluationTInformation Returns filed with Federal and State Authorities (W-2, 941, 1042S, Etc.)5 Years after Employment Ends1 yr after Close of GrantYes - Add'l CopySoft Copy on "M:) Drive Soft Copy on (M:) Drive MHard Copy for all Courses prior to 2006 and France/Spain prior to Spring 20096 YearsUntil 21 Years old7 Years 3 Years 7 Years 3 Years HR File Room3 Years in HR File Room 5 Years HR File Room6 Years HR File Room6 Years 18 Years HR File Room30 Years HR File Room6 Years after Final Settlement/Retain until Full Professor status is Granted. vPurged files are filed in alpha files of all Student files. Transcripts are pulled out to be filed with transcripts. !President's Office until archivedPresident's Office-Permanent2Financial Aid Office until Graduation or withdrawnaCopies of check and Scholarship Description kept in Student's file until Graduation or withdrawn.)6-9 months after Graduation or withdrawalEShredded at Discretion of President's Office before sent to Archives MPermanent* (If system is Changed, Hard Copy and Fiche become Primary Record)1 Year1 Year 1 Year HR File Room *3 Years after Loan has been Repaid in Full3 Years after Close of GrantDKept Indefinitely until Death of Alumni; then Condensed and Archived+Until Relationship/Giving becomes Inactive 'Inactive Folders Condensed and ArchivedPermanent in Archives"Previous Report, then to Archives cWhen there is no room for new files, the oldest Records are pulled out and turned over to Archives *Until Computer is re-imaged or Disposed of+Until Computer is re-imaged or Disposed of CFY plus 1 YearCFY plus 7 YearsWhile active plus 5 YearsCFY plus 6 YearsActive plus 6 Years Active plus 3 YearsActive plus 4 Years Active plus 3 Years Active plus 6 YearsPayment Date plus 7 Years Active plus 30 days Life of LP plus 3 Years 23 Years, or if Minor, 7 Years after 18th BirthdayRInactive Parent Folders Condensed and placed in back of Child's/Graduate's Folder.CFriends and Widows Folders are Condensed, then Archived or ShreddedCFY plus 2 YearsCFY plus 6 Years 5 Years after Employment Ends CFY plus 3 YearsOFull Professor - 3 Years. If they Leave Hamilton, Retain 3 Years, then DestroyKept until Faculty Leaves>Registrar's Office until Student Graduates, Withdraws or Dies Soft Copy - 10 YearsHard/Soft Copy Soft Copy - 10 Years 'MicroSoft Volume Claim Settlement Form Soft Copy -10 Years Soft Copy - 7 Years Soft Copy - CYHard/Soft Copy - 7 Years Life of IMA plus 3 Years(Indefinite - HR File Room than PSH Attic?Stored for a Minimum of 20 Years, or until we have no more room No MinimumECorporation & Foundations: Correspondence, Grant Documents, ReceiptsTenure and Promotion Files: Recommendations, Evaluations, Materials submitted for Promotion or Tenure (Approval or Denial Recommendations, Tenure Appeals and Pertinent Correspondence)7Data used in Preliminary Reports, Working Papers, Etc. DMiddle States: Reports and Supporting Documentation and Final Report"Claims (Not Related to Employment)SFrance and Spain Program Transcripts for Non-Hamilton Participants (Pre-Electronic)6Soft Copy - Life of IMA plus 3 Years Soft or Hard CopyLife of LP plus 3 Years!Copies Retained as Long as UsefulPermanent in File RoomUpon Death of alumni*Confidential until Death30-90 days after Termination)6-9 months after Graduation or Withdrawal Environmental, Health and Safety#Fire Protection/Life Safety Systems0Asbestos Project Notifications and other recordsCurrently Owned BuildingsCurrent ProjectsCurrent and Past Registrations Current Tanks RegistrationsDesign/Installation/As BuiltsInspection/MaintenanceClosure RecordsUtility System Records:nWaste Characterization Records (including Waste Analysis, Characterization Memos and any (c)(7) Notifications)?As Long as Waste is generated, stored or disposed, plus 3 Years7As Long as Waste is generated or disposed, plus 3 YearsGNOVs, Orders, Other Regulatory Citations-Other Medical Records, including Vaccinations3Investment Managers (Public Equities & Hedge Funds '2Existing Structures4Potable Water Health Testing/Reports/Investigations up to 10 YearsLaboratory Hood Inspections1Occupational Injury and Illness (medical records)%Duration of Employment, plus 30 yearsCurrent, plus 5 YearsCurrent, plus 10 Years10 Years from ResolutionCurrent, plus 5 yearsCurrent Employees, plus 5 yearsCurrent Employees plus 30 years%Duration of Employment, plus 30 YearsEmployment, plus 5 years"All existing Systems, plus 5 YearsCurrent, plus 10 yearswWritten Compliance Plans (e.g. Hazard Communication, Chemical Hygiene, Respiratory Protection)%Duration of Employment, plus 10 yearsLife Safety Systems@6 Years; checks for large purchases, such as property, permanent43 Years after Final Disposition of capital equipmentLife of asset plus 4 yearsB6 Years after Close of Grant, unless terms of grant specify longerB3 Years after Close of Grant, unless terms of grant specify longer6CFY plus 7 Years, unless terms of grant specify longerUntil 21 Years old; in case of underage attendee, record should be kept for 10 years past date that attendee reaches age of majority (18)CCFY plus 6 Years, or <until any open claim under a policy has closed7CFY plus 6 Years, unless terms of policy specify longer-CFY plus 6 Years (or term of lease if longer)`Kept until 7 Years after Anticipated Date of Graduation or actual graduation, whichever is later*Hard/Soft Copy - Life of IMA plus 6 Years Life of IMA plus 6 YearsIndefinite (alternative: employment term of complainant plus three years or six years after final disposition if suit filed, whichever is longer)23 Years, or if Minor, 10 Years after 18th Birthday33 Years, or if Minor, 10 Years after 18th Birthday Financial Aid Applicant Files DRetained in Finacial Aid office until all applicant decisions made. Active + 3 yearsActive + 4 years (Financial Aid Files - Enrolled Students 3Financial Aid office until graduation or withdrawn. Federal Stafford and PLUS Loans Active + 3 years Stafford Loan Request Form In student's Financial Aid FileMaster Promissory Notes Student Medical RecordsPermanent (current only)CFY plus 1 yearCollection RecordsObject Catalog RecordPermanent - 2 copies Conservation Treatment Reports!Outgoing Loan Agreement/ExtensionFacility Reports (Borrowers)Exhibition Record#Deed of Gift/Purchase DocumentationIncoming Gift ReceiptDeed of Gift finalized0Documents kept permanently and summarized in TMSCampus Loan Forms Publication References Requests for Reproduction;Summarize Publication reference in TMS and destroy contractPhotodocumentation of Object/Location records recorded in TMS then destroyedRepatriation DocumentationAnnual Gift of Arts Report 10 years Exhibition Records9Printed Materials (catalogs, gallery guides, invitations)5 copies on siteChecklist with lender info%10 years after Deed of Gift finalized10 years after exhibition*Summarized and file with projects records Noncontractual Correspondence#Audiotaped/Recorded Lectures, etc. %Loans (Incoming, Short and Long Term)bRecorded in TMS for long term reference/Loan documents destroyed five years after return of object*One year after object returned to Hamilton'Recorded in TMS for long term referenceATwo copies kept on site in separate offices, one copy sent to C&D,Date recorded in TMS for long term referenceDeaccession Records `Loan recorded in TMS for long term reference/Loan documents destroyed 5 years after end of loan &Record in TMS for long term reference 2 years after publication !Copyright Registration Documents Provenance DocumentationInventory Records 2Permanent or 10 years after all objects reconciled#Photodocumentation of Installation Label CopyAttendance Records5 years after exhibition:Summarized in exhibition files/individual sheets destroyedPress Releases Project Budget #Incoming Loan Agreements/Extensions10 years after return to ownerdestroyIncoming Loan ReceiptsOutgoing receipts 7 years after item released7 years after item releastedCorrespondence with lender10 yers after return to ownerAdvisory CommitteeBylaws Meeting Minutes Correspondence 5 years after term of member5 yers after term of member"Alumni to archives, others destroyAlumni Members NYS Charter Reports :Correspondance regarding Offers of Gifts of Art (declined) 25 years Insurance Monthly Insurance Reports 5 years Insurance Incident ReportsCCFY plus 6 years or until any open claim under a policy has closed 8CFY plus 6 years, unless terms of policy specify longer 5 years after end of policyGrants 5Close of Grant, unless terms of grant specify longer C6 years after Close of Grant, unless terms of grant specify longer Hygrothermograph reports 2 years Correspondence - General 3 years Employee Records Staff Term of employment $Transfer to HR at end of employment Student 1 year 1 yearAthletic Trainer10 years&(Length of Confidentiality - 25 Years)&(Length of Confidentiality - 10 Years)3Financial Aid office until graduation or withdrawalStored in COD electronically Held by CODPrivate Loan Certifications 7 years Destroyed AdmissionsApplicant records for non-enrollees (i.e. application forms, admission correspondence, test scores, transcripts, essays, etc. )"Until admission decisions are madeActive +3 yearsCampus Safety Incident Reports{* Admission Search Names who never Inquire that are more than 3 Years Old are Periodically Purged from the Colleague SystemIn June files are pulled from cabinets and sent to File Room. After 1 Year files are purged except for: Final Transcript, Grade Change Forms, Documents related to record changes, Transcripts from other schools, Petitions for Transfer credit, 1-20 forms, Disability Documentation, Suspension or Probation letters, Admission Application, Summary Sheet from Admissions, Anything marked "Do Not Shred", For Internatinal Students (per SEVIS) Admission Acceptance Letter & HS or College Transcript used for Admission. Wellin Museum%One hard copy at Museum, one off-site6 mos. after return to ownertApplicant records for enrollees (i.e. application forms, admission correspondence, test scores, transcripts, essays)/Central Systems Data Records (Colleague/Kronos)LITS )Electronically in Colleague , COD & NSLDS$Electronically in Colleague and ELMMElectronically in Colleague (LEEI Screen), COD and NSLDS hold records online.*(M:) Drive and Electronically in Colleague"Financial Aid Office and ColleagueColleague for Yearly awards. Financial Aid Office has Hard copies of many of the endowment agreements dating back to originals #Created and maintained on Colleague*Noted on Colleague for Long-Term ReferenceColleague Billing ReportsColleague Cash Receipts ReportsMisc. (Daily equip. & vehicle inspection sheets2 years<Capital Equipment or Buildings purchased with bonds proceedsIRS rule Permanent** Permanent **** Admission documents for students who matriculate are purged from the system on the first day of the semester in which they enroll.Admission documents for students who matriculate are purged from the system o the first day of the semester in which they enroll. ,Title IX Coordinator's Office/Maxient SystemQCase records required under policy maintained for 7 years by Title IX Coordinator&Dean of Students Office/Maxient SystemDean of Student's officeRecords for cases resulting in suspension or expulsion are retained indefinitely. All others are destroyed one year after the student's graduation. {Records for cases resulting in suspension or expulsion are retained indefinitely; all others are destroyed after 7 years. .EHave recently stopped printing receipts as all gift info is on system@Non-Hires Faculty: Applications, Resumes, Etc. /Search Committee"OnBase (Docment Management System)Files are purged one year after a student's graduation, except for application, transcript, and documents that support transcript notations, such as grade change forms. Paper files are archived in basement of Elihu Root House; electronic records are archived in OnBase. Purge from systemRecords for Class of 2014 & 2015 will be retained in Siuda House basement records room until disposal. Records for Class of 2016 and forward will be retained on College database until disposal. EGift Receipt paper copies are no longer kept unless large/complicatedGGift Receipt paper copoies are no longer kept unless large/complicated Last UpdateduC DD&E-IIpJ!2KKeL6 6M N Ns cO )P Q QZRRSFT'>UVVsW-X1Y3ZM[]]pP_`5%bcEex6fh Lj8kk':l m mC nY o p r s"tauv_x90mq3"e%PLBs Rc(J%zVKsFtЛ9F2l;nK6̪c:ǯ"puyOے}5XjYŶJzbMʝnj=]v>'#g/a&籷1=$ՠ:5=԰媣y%ݳqհxdۊձ95닳Ζ0E<I>ÅX๙Rva]̸^a`SϽx2lbR;9vyOnnދh"""""" uߤ\w<Z"AXX333333?333333?&<3U} } %} C} E} B} t} } tV,,,V      UU ' CC VU CC VU~ @ CC CC WW X W X* X5 X XYZZYZZZZ [\\[]\\\ ^EEDFEEE^EEDFEEE D E a _r `+ a a> a D G a_`aaa D G a_`aaa D G a_`aaa DGa_`aaaD E a _r `+ a a> aD G a_`aaaD E a _r `+ a a> aDEa_`aaaD E a _r `+ a a> aDEa_`aaaD Ea _r `+ a a> aDEa_`aaaD E a _` aa aDEa_`aaa ^ Ea_`aaaDEa_`aaaD E a _r `+ a a> aDEa_`aaaD E a _r `+ a a> aDEa_`aaaD E a _r `+ a a> aDEa_`aaaD l4&4l&&l...l.llhZ&lll !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234056789:`;<=>0? ^ Ea_`aaa!DEa_`aaa"D "E"a "a "`+ "a "a> "a#D #H  #a_ #b) #aaa$D $I $a_ $c# $aaa%D %I%a_caaa&D &I&a_caaa'D 'I'a_caaa(D (I(a_caaa)DEa_caaa*D *E *a *_r *`+ *a *a> *a+DEa_`aaa,D ,E ,a ,_r ,`+ ,a ,a> ,a-DEa_`aaa.D .E .a ._r .`+ .a .a> .a/DEa_`aaa 0^0Ea_`aaa1DEa_`aaa2D 2E 2a 2_r 2`+ 2a 2a> 2a3DEa_`aaa4D 4E 4a 4_r 4`+ 4a 4a> 4a5DEa_caaa6D 6E$ 6a 6_c 6a6a 6an7DEa_caaa8D 8E% 8a 8_c 8a8a 8a9DEa_caaa:D :E :a :a :`+ :a :a> :a;DEa_`aaa<Ea_`aaa=D =E=a =a =`+ =a =a> =a>D >E >a >_` >a >aa?D ?E ?a ?_r ?`+ ?a ?a> ?aD l&hDD....lll&llZZlhP@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS0TUVWXYZ[\]^_@DEa_`aaaAD AEAa A_ A`+ Aa Aa> AaBDEa_`aaaCD CE! 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