Information for Retired or Retiring Faculty
Current information regarding phased retirement arrangements can be found in the Red Book.
Information about Hamilton’s retirement plan can be found on this webpage maintained by the Human Resources office.
You will undoubtedly want to schedule an early appointment with Luann Zaleski (Benefits Manager at Human Resources) to discuss particular questions you may have about financial arrangements for retirement, including a discussion of health benefits that may be available.
Your academic office assistant can arrange for you to receive assistance with packing and relocating the contents of your office. Normally, your office will be next occupied by the person hired to be your successor. In rare circumstances it may be possible for you to remain in your office for a little longer (particularly if your office is located in a building where there is spare capacity). Contact your associate dean to see if an extension is possible.
If space is available, it may be possible for you to continue working on campus on research, scholarship, or artistic projects. You will need to arrange with your department chair and the associate dean of the faculty to receive a memorandum of understanding that describes the space that will be available for your continued use and a date by which the arrangement will end or be reviewed for possible renewal.
At the request of the department, the dean may appoint you as a senior lecturer to teach a course in a given year.
A reminder: as a senior lecturer, you will no longer participate in department meetings (although the department may occasionally invite you to attend these or other departmental functions). Also, in accord with the Faculty Handbook, you no longer will have a role in department personnel decisions such as hiring, reappointment, tenure, and promotion reviews.
Emeriti faculty members may request travel funds for one professional conference annually up to $2,500, provided that the retiree is presenting results of scholarly activity and that Hamilton affiliation is indicated in the conference program. Availability of funds is dependent on overall faculty travel budget constraints.
Library and Information Technology Resources
You will find a great deal of useful information regarding the availability of Library and Information Technology resources on
Plan to make an early appointment with Ben Thomas (LITS Help Desk) and Beth Bohstedt (Director, Learning and Research Services) to discuss particular questions you might have and to get advice from them about how to make a smooth transition to retirement with respect to the resources available from LITS.