
The Dean of Faculty invites faculty to submit proposals for Faculty Teacher-Scholar Awards supporting course and pedagogical development; research and creative work; and international and domestic research travel. Details of specific awards are described below. Faculty at all ranks are eligible to apply (those in tenured, tenure-track, professor of instruction, physical education, special appointment, and visiting positions) but must hold an appointment of half-time or greater. A faculty member can apply to one or multiple awards if applicable. Collaborative projects involving faculty and/or students will be considered. Grants are competitive and will be awarded based on the criteria specifically mentioned under each endowment and the following:
  • For research awards, articulation of how the project will contribute toward a) the beginning of a new scholarly project, b) advancing a current project to make it more competitive for external funding, or c) the completion of a project for dissemination.
  • For pedagogical awards, connection to one or more of the eight educational goals of the College or alignment of the proposal with one or more course designations (WI, SSIH, QSR, SI, EL, or FYC).

FTSA Awards will be considered on a biannual basis in the spring and fall with deadlines on December 1 and March 31 of each academic year. 

  • Spring applications for projects will be accepted until March 31, 2024 with the anticipation of awards being made at the end of April. Funding will be available for the summer 2024 through the 2024-25 academic year. Awards for the spring cycle may only be made to faculty who are expected to continue employment through the following academic year. At the end of the funding award period (June 30, 2025), a report on the activities from the awardee should be submitted to awards@hamilton.edu.
  • Fall applications for projects will be accepted until December 1, 2023 with the anticipation of awards being made by the beginning of the spring 2024 semester. Funding will be available for the spring through June 30, 2024. At the end of the funding award period (June 30, 2024), a report on the activities from the awardee should be submitted to awards@hamilton.edu.
The Dean of Faculty Research Travel Award

The Dean of Faculty Research Travel Award will support international and domestic travel for scholarly purposes. The fund enhances student-faculty collaboration and can include support for travel, room and board, and any associated research supplies. Multiple awards for up to $5,000 will be considered.  

The Christian A. Johnson Fund for Enhanced International Understanding

The Christian A. Johnson Fund for Enhanced International Understanding provides support for programs that strengthen global awareness among Hamilton students, faculty, administrators and other members of the College community. Programs receiving monies from this fund shall be publicized as supported by the Christian A. Johnson Fund for Enhanced International Understanding. Multiple awards for up to $7,000 will be considered.  

The Faculty Support Fund

The Faculty Support Fund provides support for faculty teacher-scholar projects in research and/or creative work, or pedagogical development for new or continuing projects. Funding may be for research travel (international or domestic), fees for workshops or conferences to develop pedagogical techniques, or collaboration with colleagues from other institutions. Multiple awards for up to $5,000 will be considered. 

The Rabe Family Fund for Faculty Research

The Rabe Family Fund for Faculty Research provides the advancement of faculty scholarly work studying the history of foreign relations or international affairs. The fund can provide a. travel to a foreign library or archive; b. specialized training, workshops, conferences, and/or collaboration with colleagues; c. supplementary funding for research activities supported by grants from external agencies; d. subvention funding for peer-reviewed publication costs; and e. curricular development that leads to the regular teaching of courses. Recipients who subsequently publish work that was supported by The Rabe Family Fund for Faculty Research will note that funding in their acknowledgements. One or two awards for up to $4,000 will be considered.  

The Steven B. Sands ’80 Faculty Innovation Fund

The Steven B. Sands ’80 Faculty Innovation Fund was established to support the academic vision of Eugene M. Tobin, Hamilton’s 18th President to help move the curriculum forward in creative ways.  The Sands Fund will provide awards to develop or redesign courses, pursue research related to the recipients pedagogy, introduce technology into courses, and promote curricular excellence and innovation in their craft. Two to three awards for up to $5,000 will be considered. 

Application Process

Interested faculty should submit their applications to the Dean of Faculty Office via the APPLY HERE link below by December 1, for the fall and March 31, for the spring application cycles.  

The proposal should include:

  • Title and abstract. 100 word description of the project
  • Project description. 1-2 page (single spaced, normal font, and margins) description of the project and how the work aligns with the criteria above as well as with the award(s) the faculty member is applying to.  
  • Budget. A table outlining the budget in major categories (fundable expenses include travel and related expenses, room, per diem at the current College rate, consumable research supplies, and minor equipment costing less than $1500).  

Application materials should be uploaded to Interfolio.  

Questions can be directed to the Dean of Faculty Office at awards@hamilton.edu awards@hamilton.edu


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