
International students should be aware that it is very difficult for applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States to gain admission to American medical schools.

Many U.S. medical schools will not even accept applications from international students (a few make exceptions for Canadian citizens) and those schools that do accept applications often require international students to place in escrow the equivalent of one to four years of tuition and fees ($50,000-$200, 000 U.S.).

International students are not eligible for the U.S. government-sponsored loans that allow American students to finance their medical educations, and there is very little scholarship money available.

In short, international students who are committed to preparing for a medical career, and who hope to receive their medical education at an American medical school, should think carefully before applying for admission to an undergraduate program in the United States. For additional information, please contact the Health Professions Advisor.


Contact Name

Courtney Hance

Director of Health Professions Advising


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